Sonic Character: Rebooted

Sonic Character: Rebooted v1.2.4.1

hey I'm new to this fan game and I just wanna know how to import the actors (I'm on Mac) cuz I see videos of this mod and I wanna join in on the fun too
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I found an easter egg!!
steven3004 updated Sonic Character: Rebooted with a new update entry:

They call me Sonic. 'Cause I am faster than sound, I keep on jumping around.

  • Capped Amy's hammer attack backwards speed.
  • Tweaked the way air controls handles negative speed.
  • Prevented Sonic from attacking players with his jump.
  • Fixed animation jank when the air dash action transitions to running.
  • Tweaked running animation code again.
  • Added deceleration to skidding. Sonic's is higher than Amy's.
  • Tweaked land rolling slope accel.
  • Fixed the third upwarp bug that's occured with rolling underwater.
  • Added more deceleration to skidding...

Read the rest of this update entry...
The /sonic command doesn't work. Is it on hold until the rest of the characters movesets are done?
Yeah, it's not letting me put it into my mods folder either. Only thing I have is the co-op mod.
Lamento decírtelo, pero no vendrá al mod por un largo tiempo, debido al enfoque actual del mod.
Como puedo ponerme a un personaje
Don't double post! Use that edit button! Post automatically merged:

Hate to break it to ya, but he ain't gonna come to the mod fer a long time, due to the current focus of the mod.
How can I put on a character?
İ think the rest of the cast be
Luigi be tails
Or wario knuckles
Waluigi shadow
İ hope this like happens
Belki bir paskalya yumurtası için Sonic.exe cildi ig'nin kilidini açabilir ve daha iyi bir waluigi fikri olabilir2
2.E-102 gamma
It's better if they add Waluigi as Metal Sonic or Fang, since in the classic Fangames, they are literally playable. A clear example are Sonic Robo Blast 2 and Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit
In my opinion I want them to add Fang but it will be the creator's decision which character will stay for Waluigi
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