Sonic Character: Rebooted

Sonic Character: Rebooted v1.2.3.1

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Este es un mensaje para el creador del mod steven

Soy fanático de los mods, así que tengo una buena idea para los 3 personajes que faltan.

1:Luigi será Tails, y tendrá habilidades como...

: Volar
:Y una patada con las colas, como en Megamix
:Dibujo giratorio
:poses lindas :3
:Y que su pose cuando duerme es la misma que en Sonic
4 EP2

Y su pose de victoria es:
:Sonic 3 y Knuckles
:Manía sónica

También algo bueno es que Tails puede agarrar a los jugadores cuando vuela, como en Sonic 3 o Sonic Mania.

Ah, y nada como Amy.

2:Wario sería Knuckles, y tendría tus habilidades.

1: Planifica como en tus juegos
2: Escalada como en Sonic Robo Blast 2
3: Golpea como en Megamix
4: Giro giratorio
5: Su pose de espera, ya sea como en Sonic 3 y K

Y su pose de victoria es:

:Manía sónica
:Sonic 3 y K
:pose de victoria de Sonic

3:Waluigi tendría unos 3 años
Viaje, colmillo y metal

Viaje con sus habilidades de Superestrella
Y Fang y Metal con sus habilidades de fangames como Sonic Robo Blast 2 y Triple Trouble de 16 bits.

También que hay un comando donde podemos ser super
El comando es "/superforms on" y para desactivarlo es "/superforms off"
From: steven3004

This is a mod that adds Sonic as a playable character in sm64ex-coop.

To access the character, type /sonic on in chat, then switch to Mario.

Sonic is of course faster than the vanilla cast, but he also brings some new tricks to the table.

  1. Momentum tweaks: When running or landing Sonic doesn't lose any speed that he has gained. If you let go of the analog stick he'll decelerate instead of stopping immediately.
  • Air control: While airborne, during some moves, he can turn around in the air and change directions.
  • No swimming. He instead has a limited version of his ground moveset.
  • Fall damage is delayed a bit for Sonic.
  • B button (ground):
  1. Spindash: Hold the B button to charge the spindash, and let go to dash off rollin'. Ya can also spam it and gain some speed, but it's capped.
  2. Sonic Eagle: Hold A and press B and he'll do the Sonic Eagle from Sonic Battle, which is basically a reskinned Jump Kick here.
  • B button (air):
  1. Sonic Eagle: Basically the same move, but ya have to let go of the analog stick t' do it.
  2. Dropdash: Hold B in the air with the analog stick and you'll start a dropdash. If ya hold it until you hit the ground, you'll get more speed and start rollin'. If ya release it in the air, you'll instead perform an airdash. If ya hold it until ya hit a wall, you'll climb upwards. The faster you are, the higher you'll jump up.
  • Bound Jump: Sonic's replacement fer the ground pound. Press Z and you'll bounce on the ground, break stuff, and be immune t' fall damage. Though keep in mind that you'll have less air control.
  • Grabbing: Just spindash or roll into an object.

In addition, here's the intended color code fer this model:
  • Shirt/Cap (Shoes): d91101
  • Overalls (Quills): 4084d9
  • Skin: fdc976
  • Gloves: ffffff


cool mod... anyway super peelout when?????
Is there a reason why the moveset specifically doesn't work when I host a server? I had the mod installed and it was working just fine when my friend was hosting but I went to play solo with it and now he acts and sounds like Mario. What do I do?
So it looks like it only works on its own with the whole /sonic thing, I have no clue why it doesn't work with character select when I play solo.
the mod is gorgeous, the character models are as good as the movesets, i can say this is my favourite mod. just a suggestion, add homing attack for sonic after pressing jump button 2 times (it targets the nearest character/enemy) + add tails as a playable character too, this is my idea:
  • the character will be as fast as sonic and amy, and the animation will be the character using his tails to going faster
  • as an attack, the character will use his tails
  • the character will have the ability to fly by pressing jump 2 times. while in mid fly, the character can go up and down keeping pressed jump or crouch. the flying will only last 25 seconds before slowly going down
  • Like
Reactions: Supyall
the mod is gorgeous, the character models are as good as the movesets, i can say this is my favourite mod. just a suggestion, add homing attack for sonic after pressing jump button 2 times (it targets the nearest character/enemy) + add tails as a playable character too, this is my idea:
  • the character will be as fast as sonic and amy, and the animation will be the character using his tails to going faster
  • as an attack, the character will use his tails
  • the character will have the ability to fly by pressing jump 2 times. while in mid fly, the character can go up and down keeping pressed jump or crouch. the flying will only last 25 seconds before slowly going down
I second this, i want tails as a playable character too lol
the mod is gorgeous, the character models are as good as the movesets, i can say this is my favourite mod. just a suggestion, add homing attack for sonic after pressing jump button 2 times (it targets the nearest character/enemy) + add tails as a playable character too, this is my idea:
  • the character will be as fast as sonic and amy, and the animation will be the character using his tails to going faster
  • as an attack, the character will use his tails
  • the character will have the ability to fly by pressing jump 2 times. while in mid fly, the character can go up and down keeping pressed jump or crouch. the flying will only last 25 seconds before slowly going down
The homing attack won't be fer Sonic lmao.
Don't double post! Use that edit button! Post automatically merged:

i wanna play as Shadow
Shadow is NOT gonna be in the mod fer a very long time.
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