That's a shame 'n all, but I'd prefer a skin system in the far future instead.¿Es qué tengo otros personajes?
Which is funny because I specifically made this Sonic to not have one.Hey, Steven. I think you should add in a Homing Attack to Sonic!
el enfoque son los clasicos shadow no viene de ahi, seria metal sonic o otro peronaje classico aunque me gustaría ver a shadow con esas habilidadesSólo una sugerencia Steven
Mario: Sonic
Luigi: colas
Sapo: Amy Rose
Waluigi: Sombra
Wario: Nudillos
¿Qué crees que ya tienes Sonic y Amy, por qué no Tails, Knuckles y Shadow, pero es solo una sugerencia, tengo curiosidad por saber si puedes hacerlo, pero no te apresures
Replace Shadow with Blaze and I'm down for that.Just a Suggestion Steven
Mario: Sonic
Luigi: Tails
Toad: Amy Rose
Waluigi: Shadow
Wario: Knuckles
What do you think you already have Sonic and Amy, why not Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow but it is just a suggestion, I am curious if you can do that, but no rush pace yourself.