Sonic Character: Rebooted

Sonic Character: Rebooted v1.2.1


Mar 24, 2024
From: steven3004

This is a mod that adds Sonic as a playable character in sm64ex-coop.

To access the character, type /sonic on in chat, then switch to Mario.

Sonic is of course faster than the vanilla cast, but he also brings some new tricks to the table.

  1. Momentum tweaks: When running or landing Sonic doesn't lose any speed that he has gained. If you let go of the analog stick he'll decelerate instead of stopping immediately.
  • Air control: While airborne, during some moves, he can turn around in the air and change directions.
  • No swimming. He instead has a limited version of his ground moveset.
  • Fall damage is delayed a bit for Sonic.
  • B button (ground):
  1. Spindash: Hold the B button to charge the spindash, and let go to dash off rollin'. Ya can also spam it and gain some speed, but it's capped.
  2. Sonic Eagle: Hold A and press B and he'll do the Sonic Eagle from Sonic Battle, which is basically a reskinned Jump Kick here.
  • B button (air):
  1. Sonic Eagle: Basically the same move, but ya have to let go of the analog stick t' do it.
  2. Dropdash: Hold B in the air with the analog stick and you'll start a dropdash. If ya hold it until you hit the ground, you'll get more speed and start rollin'. If ya release it in the air, you'll instead perform an airdash. If ya hold it until ya hit a wall, you'll climb upwards. The faster you are, the higher you'll jump up.
  • Bound Jump: Sonic's replacement fer the ground pound. Press Z and you'll bounce on the ground, break stuff, and be immune t' fall damage. Though keep in mind that you'll have less air control.
  • Grabbing: Just spindash or roll into an object.

In addition, here's the intended color code fer this model:
  • Shirt/Cap (Shoes): d91101
  • Overalls (Quills): 4084d9
  • Skin: fdc976
  • Gloves: ffffff


steven3004 updated Sonic Character: Rebooted with a new update entry:

The Rosy Rascal Update.

  • Sonic now has a more efficient bound pound code, so it's less hacky and the move now feels more flowy.
  • Air Dashes now break breakable surfaces, provided that ya wanna break boxes with this thing in whichever circumstances.
  • Sonic's water moves are now affected by the water current unless the Metal Cap is worn.
  • Sonic now has a new lil' animation for exiting paintings with a star collected.
  • Sonic's water actions can now interact with switches.
  • Bound Jump now bounces...

Read the rest of this update entry...
La verdad este mod está increíble y me gusta mucho que amy este incluida 100/10. Pero tengo una pregunta, ya que añadieron a Amy, eso significa que van a poner más characters? Metal sonic por ejemplo? Si es así sería increíble. Pero ya de por si el mod me gustó
Brief announcement: There's been like a whole buncha glitches with the release of sm64coopdx v1.0, so while ya wait fer the fixes, if ya want the mod t' work more properly, just play with it usin' v0.2 instead.
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Hi, I made a bunch of color palettes for Sonic because I got bored, I think they are worth showing here

Here is the link of the .zip with all the palettes: (Mediafire)
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