yesis Spiral buster just the first armor's default charge level 3?
yesis Spiral buster just the first armor's default charge level 3?
Axl is the main addition to 1.3.If memory serves, he intends to quit working on the mod after version 1.3. I'm not sure we'll see Axl, Pallette or Layer unless someone else takes up the torch.
Yay!! I'm glad to be proven wrong!Axl is the main addition to 1.3.
Palette and Layer are not ruled out so far.
What version of coopdx and CS are you using?Been getting a Script Error on Character Select using this mod, is that normal?
In the MMX menu, you have the option to disable opening it with D-Pad up. You can only open it by typing /mmx if you do that.Hey could you make it work with checkpoint mod? All you need to do is change which button opens the megaman menu. Checkpoint uses Dup and Ddwn by default and down is set checkpoint up is load checkpoint.
Will fix this. Thanks for reporting.I discovered a bug where the character does not sink even when riding on quicksand.
This requires coopdx v1.1 or above.
I thought v1.2.6 would be the last one in v1.2, but the release of coopdx compelled me to get a function Command Mission model since I had the model lying around, I just needed to find a way to animated the scarf via lua.
General changes:
- The Mega Man X menu has been removed when using the Character Select verison of the mod. Now all character and palette toggling are done with the CS menu.
- The mod is now categorized as...
Obligatory day one patch after a decently big update. This fixes a critical bug involving the armors and their charge state
Other changes:
- Functions used in the scarf script file are made local. Potentially improving performance.
- The scarf is more front facing when performing a dash
- Updated the extra sounds. This one includes JP voice for Alia
Is it 1.2.8?i was playing the new update and found a weird bug where when another player uses X's Command Mission skin, X briefly flashes different colors. it only happens with the Command Mission skin, no other version of X does this.
Can you post a clip of it happening or maybe ask what the other player was seeing on his end (If there was any script errors too maybe)? I can't reproduce thisYes I was using 1.2.8 and CS was enabled
What version of the mod are you using? I can see you are using coopdx v1.0.3 but the latest update only works for sm64coopdx v1.1 and aboveWhen I tried to switch to Alia and fire her buster, it caused the game to crash immediately.
This is the screenshot I took.![]()
I had to do a completely fresh install, but I got it working now. Thank you!What version of the mod are you using? I can see you are using coopdx v1.0.3 but the latest update only works for sm64coopdx v1.1 and above