I modified the X charge shot timer for much faster charges. The current timer is way too slow.
I've had some ideas in the next update:
Super Shotgun mario 64 -style push/physics blowback:
Instead of making enemies ONLY explode or disappear, give PUSH/ physics blowback and have them fly away with a random script, after a certain blowback push distance, they can explode after a charge shot collision.
(This could really help with the bobombs at close range)
Physics pushback/All objects destroyable and physicalized.:
This was demonstrated in Super Shotgun Mario, where the shotgun can actually push the physics of an enemy instead of just make them disappear, he can even shoot penguins, Cannon Bobombs, toadstool, racing kupa, yoshi, kong bobomb, and bowser sending them flying.
2.Create Targeting reticules for Zero's X's/Armor X charge shots. Similar to Megaman Legends.
3. Give zero the ability to do his FAST charge shot(X5).
4.Friendly Fire mod, I don't know what script makes players in co-op mode or on a private server be able to inflict damage or physics blowback on dmg, this can be enabled by the server, where you shoot/attack your friends playing in your server and they die after enough damage is inflicted bases on charge shot blast settings.
ADD a strong physics push/blowback to send them flying a considerable distance based on charge shot size. Let users code the Mod lua for blowback physics push velocity.
5.A mod for all the Enemy IDs, Debug mode to view rhe ID of the 3d object, and enable/disable physics/phantom/interaction so the otherwise undestroyable objects(ie. Big penguin, mom penguin, child penguin, bowser level:silver shock orbs, Kupa(racer), Toadstool, cannon bobombs, and expanding black orbs emitting flame particles ) can be destroyed or pushed back a great distance with physics.
Modifiable with LUA.
Keep up the good work!
coopdx should be available on Android now