I thought v1.2.6 would be the last one in v1.2, but the release of coopdx compelled me to get a function Command Mission model since I had the model lying around, I just needed to find a way to animated the scarf via lua.
General changes:
The Mega Man X menu has been removed when using the Character Select verison of the mod. Now all character and palette toggling are done with the CS menu
The mod is now categorized as "Moveset" in the mod menu
Removed the "sounds" option in the Mega Man X menu for the non-CS version. This used to only exist due to legacy excoop not supporting custom sounds. This is no longer needed.
New running animation
Exclamation boxes have fixed interaction. They used to be able to be destroyed during an invalid action, potentially duplicating the sounds, effects, and even the loot they drop.
Rendering the correct head state is now done in the "on render" hook. This used to make the models have the wrong heads when combining the mod with something like OMM (throwing cappy forces the wrong head state)
Fixed the models offset when sinking in quick sand
Dash trails lengths are shorter overall
Dash sound properly plays when dashing off ledges immediately
Lowered the volume on some sounds
Fixed the calculations when deciding when to let go of a wall during a wall slide depending on the held stick direction. Yes the calculation was wrong, and now it is much smoother to slide down moving platforms or smaller walls
WF Tower door now is interactable with the weapons
Star Road: Breakable windows, floors, and Wiggler are now interactable with the weapons
Wiggler has more hp for each phase (5 -> 6)
Moneybag has less HP (4 -> 2)
Removed calls for network_send_object when objects have interacted with weapons. This was not doing much and it caused script errors for some romhacks like Star Road
Added Command Mission alt. Functions the same as the default model
Charge time for buster has been reduced, this includes the Armors' charges as well
Spiral Shot no longer interacts with players if the server interactions are set to None. This was an oversight
Full charge shot (not Spiral Shot or Double Shot) damage has been adjusted when using armors (6.5 -> 7), still weaker compared to unarmored X' full charge shot damage
Buster shot can be cancelled into punch and moving punch without visual inconsistencies
All hitboxes have been adjusted and are now bigger
Ryuenjin: When hitting bullies, they get knocked back following the face angle of the move
All other moves besides Ryuenjin: When hitting bullies, adjusted the knockback angle to be somewhere in the between the face angle of the move and the position of the bullies relative to the move
Air Slash and Kuuenzan: Visibly bigger sabers to match the new hitboxes
Shippuga: visually adjusted, extra hitbox added
Uses a different voiceline file when he says "I won't lose", making the extra sound pack able to overwrite it
Can no longer grab by doing the normal saber attack
Meter gain: 1 -> 1.05 each frame
Dash Attack consumes less meter (3 -> 2.5)
Cannon Shot dmg (5.5 -> 5.8)
Fixed a bug where she was able to inherit X' armors properties when using the non-CS version of the mod
She has her own sound file for "wall kick", making some extra sound pack sounds not give her X' voices for wallkicking
She also inherits all unarmored X' changes mentioned above
This update adds a few fixes. This is the last patch for v1.2.x, due to it addressing the few remaining problems.
Character changes:
Fixed a bug where swapping characters fast enough while the buster shots are active would cause the wrong remaining buster shot count to be calculated (For reference, 5 regular shots are allowed at a time). This also applies to Alia.
Fixed a bug where the First Armor's pink shot would count as one single hit (instead of 3 hits) when hitting enemies, making it weaker than the regular shot.
Fixed a bug where the Second Armor's second shot would as one single hit (instead of 2 hits) when hitting enemies.
Sentsuizan: comes out 1 frame faster.
Raikousen: Lightning damage 2.5 -> 3.5.
Changed eye texture, face model, and face normals.
Fixed a bug where there would be a hidden menu option that changes X's armors when she is selected, while playing the non-CS version of the mod.
Swoop and Snufit have a down offset when interacting with weapon hitboxes, making them easier to hit.
Scuttlebug and Spindrift HP 4 -> 2. It is now possible to kill them in one hit with the Z-Saber.
Characters are no longer prefixed with [MMX] in Character Select.
Character changes:
All characters:
Fixed a rare bug where the airdash could get nullified and you would fall. This had a bigger chance of happening when airdashing a certain frames after wall kicking.
Wallkick refreshes are now based on the character's face angle rather than the wall normal. This used to be not very consistent due to how Mario 64 detects which is the best wall to use when you are in a corner. This has been made much more consistent as a result.
Alia has been added. Her moveset is identical to unarmored X.
Raikousen comes out 1 frame faster.
Bigger hitbox for wall slash.
Slightly bigger hitbox for all 3 hit combo slashes.
Readjusted slightly the Kuuenzan offset (moved back by 1 unit, moved up by 1 unit).
Bob-ombs now get knocked away with 1st hit of 3 hit combo, 2nd hit of 3 hit combo, air slash, and Kuuenzan.
Slightly changed hair color.
Changed voiceline after he gets up from getting knocked out of a level.
Changed voiceline after he gets up from getting knocked out of a level.
Fixed a console error when using vulcans while there are other players.
Interactions: Better HP initialization for the enemies. This makes the Brutal Bosses mod's bosses no longer die in one hit.
No longer a custom behavior. Bowser now keeps the proper behavior when using mods such as Star Road or Brutal Bosses, but still gets knocked back into place when his HP runs out.
Can no longer be damaged during dialog and when grabbed
HP 70 -> 80
King Bob-Omb:
Gets his HP reset if you leave the arena and he goes back to inactive state
No longer slides if you defeat him with weapons (with a chance of him softlocking you by putting you in the grab state)
Whomp King:
Gets his HP reset if you leave the arena and he goes back to inactive state
No longer moves if you defeat him with weapons
Breakable Box:
Fixed wrong HP code when using sabers
Weapons: Now are spawned using spawn_non_sync rather than span_sync and are manually synced to account for possible desync cases
Damage to enemies: Properly synced for projectiles, sabers, and explosions.
When using Character Select:
Fixed a bug that makes the default HUD override any other non MMX character
Characters names are no longer prefixed with [MMX]
fixCollisionBugs changes are now affecting the local player only. One player overriding the fixCollisionBugs values no longer affects the other. For reference, fixCollisionBugs is used for better wall inference when standing in corners, and are switched back to the original values if the selected character is not a Mega Man X character.
Projectile/Explosion death sound is slightly quieter.
Character changes and fixes:
All characters:
New run animation
Can now grab with the B button. Works best for X and Vile.
X and Vile no longer get bonked during ground pound.
Decelerating/braking into walls no longer knocks you back.
Snappier and more precise wall sliding. You no longer awkwardly get let go off of platforms because they have a tiny wall surface area. You can now also keep sliding down platforms that are moving inwards, before you would get let go of those too. Such an example are the moving wheels of platforms in BITDW and BITS.
Air dashing into walls now stops the dash action, unless you air dash into walls at less perpendicular angles.
Dash trails now spawn if you dash into walls at less perpendicular angles that don't stop your dash action.
Can now go into wall slide state if your vertical speed is lower than 1. Used to be if your vertical speed is lower than 0. This makes it more forgiving because wall slide was initiated only when you really start falling (vertical speed goes below 0 which the apex of the jump)
Fixed a bug where projectiles would hit other players but not disappear or they would disappear after hitting other players but not cause any interactions
Walk out from ground actions is now done at x0.75 full speed rather than full speed.
Fixed a bug where you could have the wrong amount of allowed buster shots at a time. 5 are the maximum uncharged shots allowed at a time. There used to be a sync problem where that could be 0, making it impossible to spawn uncharged shots.
Player model is slightly tinier (0.965 -> 0.964). For reference, X is 0.95 and Vile is 0.99
Player model has a higher Y offset, which makes Zero stand taller than in the previous version
An additional model was introduced when Zero is swimming, flying, or belly diving, making his hair seem like it is sliding down his back rather than clipping between his legs
Fixed a bug where sabers would be detached from other network players if they are out of view. The hitbox used also to teleport and hit players randomly
Fixed a bug where the Sentsuizan hitbox would be gone after 75 frames, due to a previous fix that was made obsolete now.
Saber actions:
1st saber slash:
Slightly bigger hitbox
Can now be cancelled 1 frame earlier into the 2nd slash
2nd saber slash:
Can now be walk cancelled like the 1st saber slash. Walk cancelling is possible after frame 9.
Can now be cancelled 1 frame earlier into the 3rd slash
Adjusted hitbox and graphical position, making the slash wider and no longer makes it look like the hilt of the Z-Saber is flying midair
3rd saber slash:
Slightly bigger hitbox
Can now be cancelled into jump, dash, or Ryuenjin starting from frame 5
Air slash:
Can now be cancelled 1 frame earlier into itself
Removed double saber glitch when landing at specific timing with the saber
Slightly bigger hitbox
Swing is now wider
Adjusted position. The spin used to be eccentric with the slash appearing bigger behind him compared to when in front of him. This has been fixed
Starts 1 frame earlier and ends 1 frame earlier. 2 Frames total making it smoother and snappier
Slightly taller hitbox
Ends 1 frame earlier
Can now strafe slightly by holding the side directions
Decelerates slightly slower near the end, to account for it ending 1 frame earlier
Increased lightning damage: 2 -> 2.5
Increased saber damage: 5.5 -> 6
Sound is slightly louder
Fixed a bug where the lightning could sometimes not appear for other players
Fixed a rare bug related to the lightning hitboxes that could cause lags.
Slightly bigger hitbox
Hitbox spawns earlier while Zero hasn't left the ground yet. Graphics have been adjusted too, making it looks better overall. This now matches how it looks and behaves in MMX4
Adjusted airborne leg bomb spawn velocity: 35 -> 29, making it travel closer to him
Vulcan: Slightly bigger hitbox
Can no longer grab with the dash action due to jank. Use the newly introduced B button grab
Fixed leg bomb explosion not causing other players to become seekers when using the Hide and Seek mod
This update adds improvements, balance changes, and fixes.
All characters:
It is now possible to perform grounded moves that lock you in place and then walk out from them while standing on slopes (Moves like X's double shot, Zero's Z-Saber combo, Vile bombs or cannon). They used to make you go into slide state as soon as they finish.
Holding a direction after a ground action has finished will now you put you at full possible walking speed depending on how far you are holding the stick.
Letting go of walls when sliding now happens after 1 frame. This makes it easier to buffer a direction then jumping. It also makes it smoother in general and easier to react to.
Air Dashing into walls puts you in wall slide only if you are holding the stick right into the wall. This gets rid of situations where you would get flipped just from dashing into walls.
Getting grabbed by Chuckya now gives the proper offset for the players
It is now possible to punch out of the panting state. This was an oversight.
Adjusted interactions against Boo (regular Boos, Big Boos, Merry-Go Round Boos, etc...)
Adjusted interactions against Koopa. It is now possible to hit Koopas more than once. It is also no longer possible to hit Koopa the Quick (unless you use Vile's bombs).
Adjusted interactions with Exclamation Box. It is no longer possible to have an weapon interact with it if its respective cap switch has not been activated.
Using the Second Armor's first part of Double Shot will lock you into place when landing
It is now possible to buffer the second part of the Second Armor's Double Shot while performing the first part.
Fixed a bug where firing a charged shot right as you land would cause an uncharged shot to be fired instead
Reworked the charge sound system so that other players' charge sounds don't randomly stack up on top of each other
Reworked the Second Armor's Double Shot frame data
Fixed a bug where landing while firing up slopes will cause you to instantly slide down
Fixed the Second Armor model not having the correct half blink eye state
Weak projectiles that don't interact with players no longer go through them
Buster damage output is slightly buffed:
uncharged 0.9 -> 0.95
1st charge level 3.5 -> 3.8
2nd charge level: 7 -> 8 for Unarmored X, 6 -> 6.2 with Armors.
First Armor pink shot: 5.5 -> 5.8 per hit (three hits are fired at the same time)
Second Armor main part: 7 -> 7.5 Main part, Surrouding part untouched
Fixed a bug with Character Select where you would have the incorrect ponytail model due to other players affecting its state
Ryuenjin has a much bigger hitbox and reach. Damage per hit 2.1 -> 2.2
Third slash of Z-Saber's hitbox lasts one frame less. Damage per hit 2.2 -> 2.15 (Still deals the most combined damage)
Sentsuizan: Damage 6 -> 7
Raikousen Saber Damage 5 -> 5.5
Regular air slash hitbox slightly adjusted
Fixed a bug where wall slide saber was possibly not synced
Fixed a bug where damage is multiplied the more players there are in the area, causing Zero to just rack up massive damage
There should no longer be any stray Z-Saber hitboxes caused by players lagging or desyncing. Stray hitboxes should now have no interactions and will always be cleaned up. There is still a possibility it might happen, but chances are much lower. The Z-Saber system will be rewritten in v1.3 in hope to completely get rid of this problem.
Fixed the dark gray default color (Was wrong due to an oversight).
Increased hitbox radius on the bomb explosion: 300 -> 320
Bomb consumes 4 meter instead of 4.5, reverting it back to the v1.1 meter consumption
Fixed a bug where landing while firing up slopes will cause you to instantly slide down
Fixed a bug with Character Select where you would have the incorrect model (Knee cap open, Cannon lowered) due to other Vile players interfering with it
Updated CS description to indicate that Vile can grab items by using his Dash Attack
Weak projectiles that don't interact with players no longer go through them
Bowser is now stuck in place when he's in death state. There was a bug in BITS where if he fell off while in death state, he could no longer be grabbed again. And the BITS arena (star shape) was too small for him to be able to not fall off.
Buffed projectiles damage because Zero's multihits rack damage so much faster.
Buffed Zero's single hit Z-Saber moves damage output.
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