I can't hear any of the custom characters


Apr 1, 2024
For some reason I can hear the base characters just fine I can't hear the sound effects of ANY custom characters. I tried only using one custom character at a time, but I still can't hear them. Has anyone else had this happen? If so, is there a solution for this?
For some reason I can hear the base characters just fine I can't hear the sound effects of ANY custom characters. I tried only using one custom character at a time, but I still can't hear them. Has anyone else had this happen? If so, is there a solution for this?
what character mod are you using?
It could be due to mod overload. I may be wrong tho, I'm still pretty new to all of this so.
I just turned everything off except CS and dry bones and I still can't hear my boy. What makes it weirder for me is that that sound effects from custom movesets like Milne and Sonic are still audible, but I still can't hear their voice lines.
I just turned everything off except CS and dry bones and I still can't hear my boy. What makes it weirder for me is that that sound effects from custom movesets like Milne and Sonic are still audible, but I still can't hear their voice lines.
maybe try redownloading it?

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