Character Select Voice-table Problem - Audio randomly failing to play


Mar 24, 2024
In the arena!
So I'm making a character with a custom voicetable, pretty standard stuff that cribs from the template. I'm using a select few OGG files across the entire voicetable (much less than the original, so it might be causing the issue I'm about to describe, and for the most part it works fine...

In the castle grounds, that is. Any time I enter the castle or a level and start hopping around, I get script errors as voice clips that were working fine a few seconds ago just fail to load entirely, with the voice instead defaulting to Mario's.


The first line in the pic above suggests to me that this is a consequence of me only using several sfx for the entire voicetable. Do y'all think I just need to add more voicelines to swap between or is there something I'm missing as to why the audio randomly fails to play?
I'm having this exact issue myself using [CS] Paisano Mario Redone.
What's frustrating is that it's not always consistent with the scripting failure happening. Sometimes in the level it works and then re-entering or reloading the game has it fail to work again. I thought at first it was not using the same audio format between sound files so I formatted them all to .oggs, I then thought maybe that there's sound files in there that weren't being used so I deleted them, and finally I formatted all the file names to be consistent with each other too but still no. I've narrowed it down to [CHAR_SOUND HAHA] and [CHAR_SOUND HAHA_2] being the ones that break the most consistently but I've also had [CHAR_SOUND_YAHOO] and [CHAR_SOUND_YAHOO_WAHA_YIPPEE] break on me occasionally. What's strange is it seems none of the other [CHAR_SOUND]s seem to break but maybe that's just coincidence.

I've tried tinkering with it myself and cross-referenced a few other [CS] characters as well like Nabbit and Donkey Kong but I just don't see a difference in how their code is structured compared to this one and I'm honestly at a loss as to why this is happening.

i dont know why — Postimages is the lua and sound files I'm trying to work with.

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