
  1. Alexneedssomehelp

    i cant turn on more than one mod for sm64coopdx!

    i just downloaded and started the game and i cant turn on more than one mod?? i dont know whats going on and i need some help
  2. E

    Both on the same Wifi - Wont connect (,'-',)

    Does it require you to be on seperate wifi networks?
  3. Fl1ppy

    Mod Menu checkboxes coding help [SOLVED]

    Edit: Finally got the code working after hours of trial and error. Functional code below, for anyone interested. (Note: Wing cap only gets added/removed when entering a loading zone.) local wingCapBool = mod_storage_load_bool("wingCheckbox") local function wingCapToggle(_, value)...
  4. ML370

    Star Count is Broken (To Me At Least)

    So I have this problem, in which I have a save file (1) of the Vanilla SM64 game with most stars collected. Now when I want to play a romhack, on that save file (1), its star count is carried over to the romhack, even though I haven't played any of that rom hack's levels. Should I play rom...
  5. WezKal

    How do you use commands?

    I'm new here and loving all of these mods, but I can't figure out how to use the commands that I've seen listed on some of them. Is there a command prompt I need to do or something in a menu I'm missing? Thanks for any help with my noob issue
  6. 1sonic20

    Custom Maps

    Is making custom maps possible on this game? As I want to make a custom map (green screen) for my videos. 1731083882 :unsure:If it isn't possible, if you want to, then you could maybe recommend me a SM64 Rom for videos.
  7. GooeyMcGooface

    Issues with some character mods

    So, I like SM64CoopDX mods. They're cool. The character ones are especially awesome. However, I'm having problems with certain characters/character packs, being Hell Inspector's Character Pack and Shy Guy 64. If any of you have any advice, please let me know. I'm running 1.0.3, OpenGl, on...
  8. SgamerMinectaft

    Ayuda para crear mods

    Estoy creando un mod de "cada moneda q agarres te hace mas grande" pero este es el codigo del mod --name: Cada_moneda_Te_Hace_Mas_Grande --description: Este mod hace que cada moneda que recojas te hara mas Grande (0 monedas significa tamaño normal de el jugador) function onCollectCoin...
  9. FluffheadToby

    Help on getting started on modding

    Hey! so im interested in modding this game (mostly char-select and custom move-set mods), but I have like no experience at all on how to get it to work. are there any tutorials that exist for rigging, animating and stuff for coop deluxe/mario 64 specifically? thanks in advance for your responses!
  10. SilverDurgon

    Hosting with mods

    Hello! I have a question regarding how to set up a game with mods. Is it only the host that need the mods downloaded to their appdata and enabled in the game itself, or is it like other games like BG3 where every player needs the very same mods? For example: If the people playing have decided...
  11. yosh

    I cant seem to play multiplayer (ex-coop)

    I do not know why, if I can get any help then thanks
  12. LaughingMan008

    No, you are not authorized to access my Discord

    How do I stop this program from asking for access to my Discord every time I load it with my Discord on? Do I just have to make sure Discord is not running when I play this?
  13. char._.col

    How do I use a moveset with characters from a different mod?

    I wanna play as Admiral Bobbery (Paper Partners 64 mod) using the moveset from the Sonic mod, but I have no idea how, or if it's even possible :/
  14. SuperTristan64DSiGuy

    Bro I Cant Get The Sounds, Rom Hacks And Mods To Work

    Pls Tell Me How to Make These Work

    I messed up a little

    so i was playing the game normally, then changed the menu size and its gotten so big i cant click the settings or even host a game, how can i do a clean install of the game?
  16. Lupey

    Script Error

    So i've downloaded some mods and they run, but they have no sound. It says script error at the top how do I fix this?
  17. hyperboi1


    Please send it to me I don’t know how to get it to work Please send help
  18. S

    How can I edit textures or music?

    idk how to do any of this or if there are any tools specifically for coop dx help
  19. D

    Where to start as a complete beginner at modding?

    Hello, I apologize in advance if somebody's already asked this, but are there any links for tutorial specifically on modding for sm64coop? I'm interested in making levels, and generally everything else, but it seems like the only information out there is for different forks of this modding...