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  1. Paradox

    modder application

  2. Paradox

    The "sm64coopdx.exe" doesn't open!

    Does your windows username have any non-alphanumeric characters in it? If so, you will need to do this
  3. Paradox

    Is there a SM64 Coop DX port for the Wii/Wii U?

    There is not. SM64CoopDX is only available on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.
  4. Paradox

    The "sm64coopdx.exe" doesn't open!

    Open the game through the terminal with the --console launch param and send the output here
  5. Paradox

    I can't launch sm64coopdx

    Open the game through the terminal with the --console launch param and send the output here
  6. Paradox

    Mods I deleted are still there and when I install the new versions, it still shows and loads the old ones.

    There are 2 mod folders, one is right next to the game executable, and the other is in %appdata%\sm64coopdx
  7. Paradox

    Why does my antivirus say that version 1.1.1 is infected with viruses?!

    I'll just say this. Antivirus software suck. Windows defender is good enough, there's absolutely no reason to download third part ones. If the game did contain a virus, then windows defender would automatically quarantine it. The game is completely open source, you can look through the code...
  8. Paradox

    How do i run on Linux?

    You need to give the game execution permissions before you can run it, then open it with "run software".
  9. Paradox

    Hosting a dedicated server

    Compile the headless version by using the HEADLESS=1 make flag
  10. Paradox

    Laggy 1.1 in android

    This website is only for the official versions of sm64coopdx. Report any issues about the android version in their discord server
  11. Paradox

    Save data storage location

    It's where almost every other game stores save data, in %appdata%
  12. Paradox

    I cant find the Cheats mod for coop dx anywhere

    Did you uh... Not read my message? The cheats mod is built into the game. So unless you deleted it, it should still be there.
  13. Paradox

    Reporting an User

    One of the rules on CoopNet is "be nice with each other", breaking that rule the entire time you are on CoopNet is a bannable offense.
  14. Paradox

    CoopDX Color Palette section in the Mod Site

    The discord has that. Feel free to join there and post your palettes there
  15. Paradox

    Opening program window size issue?

    Hover over the tiny window on the taskbar and right click it, then select maximize. Or hold shift and right click on the icon in the taskbar and select maximize
  16. Paradox

    Applying for modder status

    A little late. Any chance you can reupload the pics?
  17. Paradox

    Give me modder

    Alright I'm locking this. Any future applications I'm probably just gonna decline and lock them.
  18. Paradox

    Apply for modder
