Hello, I'd like to apply for modder status so I can upload my first mod here, this purposely-crusty Carl Wheezer that's served as my tutorial and testing ground for getting into making CS-based character mods. The model itself is from Models Resource, uploaded by BillyBnMOfficial and lemurboy12, while the icon I used for the lives is by daneeklu on OpenGameArt. I used Grarrulous64's tutorial video and Fast64 fork, along with the resources he linked in his video description to get this done, and I also got quite a bit of help from Emerald and Squishy in the modding discussion channel in the discord server while in the process of bugfixing it.
The mod has the model in question with the expected functioning basics in regards to the model and rigging, along with custom blinking and death eye textures setup correctly, custom palette support for the skin and hair, custom audio for a variety of actions, custom naming and descriptions, custom lives icon, carefully-named internal files to minimize risk of cross-mod conflicts, and most importantly it doesn't throw any errors of any kind directly or through CS. I'm confident that it's 100% ready for release, obviously not the best thing ever but fully-functional and I'm proud of it nonetheless.

The mod has the model in question with the expected functioning basics in regards to the model and rigging, along with custom blinking and death eye textures setup correctly, custom palette support for the skin and hair, custom audio for a variety of actions, custom naming and descriptions, custom lives icon, carefully-named internal files to minimize risk of cross-mod conflicts, and most importantly it doesn't throw any errors of any kind directly or through CS. I'm confident that it's 100% ready for release, obviously not the best thing ever but fully-functional and I'm proud of it nonetheless.