Reporting an User


Jul 12, 2024
idk if i need post this in other place so i post it here.

I want report an toxic user named "weezerlover44"

What happend? welp i was taking a bath so i say "hey im gonna be afk, dont fight any boss whitout me" the other peapole on the server say "OK" and i take that refreshing bath. The thing weezerlover enters into my server and proceed to fight a boss an the other ones on the server was like "hey dont do that," "hey" and someone put "i will say sonk" and he put this on the chat


i think you can see the problem here....
and the others were like "ban ban idk smth like that" aaaand i came back from that REFRESHING bath and they say me "hey someone is doing hey someashdkjasdg" and i proceed to look at the chat and i say

"srry you break the rules and you take the BAN" and he type this little thing


and when he typed that i said "thank you for giving me a reason to ban you from coopnet"
he Sh## his pants and put this or idk if he was begin ironic but he put this


(you can actually see cut up letters of one of the other players xd)

and when i was saygin "BAN BAN" or smt like that he start putting this for... some reason?


but well i permaban him from my server and the thing stopped there.

normally i dont care about this type of peapole but the problem is that one of the rules of coopnet is that you cant be that... toxic

but well ban him or smth idk im not gonna see him in my life again probably sooo yeah
When there is someone being toxic in your server, you the host has the power to kick/ban them. Not you specifically, but people in general seem to forget the commands exist and always report to the moderators instead of at least taking action in their own lobby first.
When there is someone being toxic in your server, you the host has the power to kick/ban them. Not you specifically, but people in general seem to forget the commands exist and always report to the moderators instead of at least taking action in their own lobby first.
Ik but as i say: "but well i permaban him from my server and the thing stopped there." i just wanna peapole dont have this experience whit this dumbass type of peapole
I want to report a player who keeps banning me, I enter the game and the guy keeps banning me like this His name is Pompomcho10
I am reporting The (Mm\#ffff00\The star here\mariomodsSpeedrus*the star here*) He just keeps doing 18+ things, I'm reporting this user
imo we should just allow free speech and only ban people if it is a serious real life threat or cheating or something
One of the rules on CoopNet is "be nice with each other", breaking that rule the entire time you are on CoopNet is a bannable offense.

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