Sonic Character: Rebooted

Sonic Character: Rebooted v1.2.4.1

Reviews 4.66 star(s) 73 reviews

Very nice the Sonic & Amy Moveset & the Classic Models are the Best part, but in the next update can add Miles Prower as Luigi? ( Sorry for my English im Spanish )
one of the best mods I love yuou
perfect mod, i need more characters like this.
holy movement, sonic feels SLICK. no complaints
Sonic can spam the spin attack like in Sonic Adventure. 10/10
Un mod perfecto para ir rapido y hacer la aventura mas facil
Fun mod, but it seems that the text command (/sonic) is not recognised?
The character select variant still works however.
They run so well! I'm hoping Knuckles could be added next to give varying playstyles
really good and can't wait for the next character
I love it! While I really enjoy the models and sounds, I’d love a way to disable the special movements. I can’t control the spindash very well...
Amy's moveset it's pretty good!
It's good, great even. But Amy doesn't work. Specifically, her Hammer does nothing to enemies. I'll be sure to update my rating once this is fixed.
The hammer doesn't even do anythin', it's more there fer visual purposes. I have no idea how I'd do the hitbox.
incredible mod, really love the way it plays, I wish there were more characters t choose from in it
a great mod but the new coop dx update sorta broke the mod, amys hammer attack doesnt register hitting enemys and both sonic and amys jump have a weird jank
Awesome, reminds me why Sonic is so cool
i give to this mod 5/5 rings
Absolute cinema
great mod heres what characters i think would fit for this mod