This update adds improvements, balance changes, and fixes.

  • All characters:
    • It is now possible to perform grounded moves that lock you in place and then walk out from them while standing on slopes (Moves like X's double shot, Zero's Z-Saber combo, Vile bombs or cannon). They used to make you go into slide state as soon as they finish.
    • Holding a direction after a ground action has finished will now you put you at full possible walking speed depending on how far you are holding the stick.
    • Letting go of walls when sliding now happens after 1 frame. This makes it easier to buffer a direction then jumping. It also makes it smoother in general and easier to react to.
    • Air Dashing into walls puts you in wall slide only if you are holding the stick right into the wall. This gets rid of situations where you would get flipped just from dashing into walls.
    • Getting grabbed by Chuckya now gives the proper offset for the players
    • It is now possible to punch out of the panting state. This was an oversight.
    • Adjusted interactions against Boo (regular Boos, Big Boos, Merry-Go Round Boos, etc...)
    • Adjusted interactions against Koopa. It is now possible to hit Koopas more than once. It is also no longer possible to hit Koopa the Quick (unless you use Vile's bombs).
    • Adjusted interactions with Exclamation Box. It is no longer possible to have an weapon interact with it if its respective cap switch has not been activated.
  • X:
    • Using the Second Armor's first part of Double Shot will lock you into place when landing
    • It is now possible to buffer the second part of the Second Armor's Double Shot while performing the first part.
    • Fixed a bug where firing a charged shot right as you land would cause an uncharged shot to be fired instead
    • Reworked the charge sound system so that other players' charge sounds don't randomly stack up on top of each other
    • Reworked the Second Armor's Double Shot frame data
    • Fixed a bug where landing while firing up slopes will cause you to instantly slide down
    • Fixed the Second Armor model not having the correct half blink eye state
    • Weak projectiles that don't interact with players no longer go through them
    • Buster damage output is slightly buffed:
      • uncharged 0.9 -> 0.95
      • 1st charge level 3.5 -> 3.8
      • 2nd charge level: 7 -> 8 for Unarmored X, 6 -> 6.2 with Armors.
      • First Armor pink shot: 5.5 -> 5.8 per hit (three hits are fired at the same time)
      • Second Armor main part: 7 -> 7.5 Main part, Surrouding part untouched
  • Zero:
    • Fixed a bug with Character Select where you would have the incorrect ponytail model due to other players affecting its state
    • Ryuenjin has a much bigger hitbox and reach. Damage per hit 2.1 -> 2.2
    • Third slash of Z-Saber's hitbox lasts one frame less. Damage per hit 2.2 -> 2.15 (Still deals the most combined damage)
    • Sentsuizan: Damage 6 -> 7
    • Raikousen Saber Damage 5 -> 5.5
    • Regular air slash hitbox slightly adjusted
    • Fixed a bug where wall slide saber was possibly not synced
    • Fixed a bug where damage is multiplied the more players there are in the area, causing Zero to just rack up massive damage
    • There should no longer be any stray Z-Saber hitboxes caused by players lagging or desyncing. Stray hitboxes should now have no interactions and will always be cleaned up. There is still a possibility it might happen, but chances are much lower. The Z-Saber system will be rewritten in v1.3 in hope to completely get rid of this problem.
    • Fixed the dark gray default color (Was wrong due to an oversight).
  • Vile:
    • Buffed damage. Vulcan 0.9 -> 0.95, Cannon 5 -> 5.5, Bomb 6.5 -> 7
    • Increased hitbox radius on the bomb explosion: 300 -> 320
    • Bomb consumes 4 meter instead of 4.5, reverting it back to the v1.1 meter consumption
    • Fixed a bug where landing while firing up slopes will cause you to instantly slide down
    • Fixed a bug with Character Select where you would have the incorrect model (Knee cap open, Cannon lowered) due to other Vile players interfering with it
    • Updated CS description to indicate that Vile can grab items by using his Dash Attack
    • Weak projectiles that don't interact with players no longer go through them
Vile's leg bombs cause desync when other players use it. This has been fixed.
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Reactions: Treff and HazeX2
Day 1 update:
  • Bowser is now stuck in place when he's in death state. There was a bug in BITS where if he fell off while in death state, he could no longer be grabbed again. And the BITS arena (star shape) was too small for him to be able to not fall off.
  • Buffed projectiles damage because Zero's multihits rack damage so much faster.
  • Buffed Zero's single hit Z-Saber moves damage output.
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Reactions: HazeX2
Quick fix:
  • Fixed interactions for Star Road enemies
The second major update, with many changes and many fixes.

  • Zero has been added with a wide variety of moves using the extra X and Y binds
  • Second Armor has been added for X
  • X can now cancel his dash into punch
  • Vile now has a Dash Attack and can cancel ground pound into specials (at the cost of extra meter due to the extra height it can grant)
  • The mod is now based on a health system for all interactions
  • Many other changes
The coopdx 1.0.1 quickfix.
  • Fixed broken voice clips in coopdx 1.0.1 when CS is not used
  • Adjusted First Armor X's description to indicate that he can airdash (CS only)
Day 1 update because more familiarity with coopdx v1.0 is needed.

  • Fixed a bug where the "Palette" option in the menu does not properly color the player
  • Fixed a possible scenario where the "None" character option might force the default palette on all other mods, including any CS mods using custom palettes
  • First Armor X can now perform an air dash
  • Dash effect has been shortened
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Reactions: Toast!
Fixed a small bug that made the "None" character have a completely pitch black palette, if the mod is not used with Character Select.
Additionally, the .git folder was removed. This makes the total mod filesize smaller.
This update is a quick-fix that makes the mod compatible with coopdx v1.0. Crashes and script errors occur if you try to use older versions.
This update has not been tested for retrocompatibility with ex coop or any coopdx version older than v1.0. Therefore, it will probably only work with coopdx v1.0 (And CS 1.9 if you are using that).

Additionally, the following changes were added:
  • Fixed a bug where characters would clip through floors when playing the "Flood" gamemode
  • Fixed a small visual bug where other players would not have the correct player model height offset when using the mod with Character Select
  • Added a dash effect with a proper fade-out for X' dashes. It also matches X' default color
There is a small issue with custom sounds being delayed when playing and being unable to stack on top of each other. I have no control over this. It might be fixed in a coopdx update.
Character Select 1.8 introduced a change that breaks the MMX mod. Please download if you are using Character Select 1.8