Mega Man X

Mega Man X v1.2.8

Reviews 4.90 star(s) 42 reviews

This is an incredibly fun mod. The characters all feel like how they did in their own games.

Though, for some people, perhaps how amazing they are moveset wise could be a turn off....

But, when I was messing around in a ROM hack. The base Mario moveset was better for the specific task. (Mainly, a tall wall jumping sequence.)

With all that being said, probably the most satisfying thing in this mod is the ability to kill enemies you normally can't.... Such as the Mad Piano. When I first did that, I was like "Oh my God, Zero is so cool!"
Oh, hey.
Wallkicking off (non-strictly) opposing walls makes the wallkicks refresh. So you should be able to scale a long wallkicking section.
Also yeah they are pretty strong compared to the vanilla moveset. Maybe someday I will make some levels, but that's not guaranteed due to lack of time and other responsibilities.
Replying to ganewatch, well Tbowskies might need your help to give his characters movesets, basically he needs the script or whatever
This mod is honestly one of the bests out there!!! Seriously, if you haven't downloaded it already, do it!!! The characters have great models and really fun movesets! My only gripe is that switching from the preset character palettes to a custom palette can't be done through Character Select, and instead has to be done through a custom menu (up on the d-pad or /mmx), which is just a little inconvenient.
I never noticed that feature. I will make it available for v1.3.
Thanks a lot!
10/5 This is so amazing even with the moveset, also do you think you could make a Dante and Vergil from Devil May Cry a mod? I'm a DMC fan and it would mean a lot to me.
Thanks for the review but I don't plan on making a DMC mod. That would require waaaay too much effort. It would be cool to see though.
Absolutely fantastic, the characters' movesets translated perfectly into M64, blasted through the game with a friend, and it was the most fun I've had in a while.
feels like a hack n slash contained entirely within super mario 64. nice one.
You can really breeze through the game with these guys but it was fun as hell with my friends. Thank you for making this stellar mod and I look forward to anything else you do/update.
This mod is what got me interested in SM64 Coop in the first place, the adaptations of the X series' features were a sight to behold, and everything seems to work great!

Except for Goombas. Currently, they are invulnerable to projectiles and the Z-Saber. Worked fine as of just before Zero's release, not sure when this changed exactly.

Other than that small issue, I have yet to see anything particularly wrong.

Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing this grow!
Hmm are you using any other mods with this?
This is absolutely amazing. It's what got me into this game in the first place. Though I have a few suggestions and questions!
First: I would like it so we can customize the binds of every weapon so we can adapt them all to movesets like the Odyssey ones.

Second, you may know me as the guy who asked for X3 Vile and X8 Vile. And while you did say you were adding X3 Vile, I would also like X8 Vile in as well. If it's not too much trouble.

Third: I wanna ask if you will be porting any other characters like Axl, or Alia. And I also wanna know if you are gonna do MMZ characters as well!

I will be frequenting this mod to check for updates. I absolutely love this mod. And I hope it blossoms into something outstanding! ~ Vile
Hi, i'll see if i can make custom binds a thing. In the meantime, you can do that in the main menu of coop dx in the options.
Axl is planned for v1.3. I can't say for sure what other content is planned for that version. As for other characters beyond v1.3, nothing is decided yet.
This mod looks amazing and has so many customizations to show its polish! However, i must ask, is there a way to play this on the 3ds port?
Hi, this mod is only compatible with coopdx due to being written exclusively in lua. It can only work on 3ds if there was a coopdx port on 3ds.
Excellent mod, only complaint is they seem to do too much damage against bosses (I was using the harder bosses mod too on the second Bowser, I essentially one shot Bowser with Zero.) apart from that I think Vile's move could use a bit of a radius buff to his grenades, at least from my experience with friendly fire on.
Thanks for pointing this out and suggesting changes. Zero is currently unintentionally broken when there are multiple players, with his multihit moves dealing more hits than they normally would.
This will be fixed in the next patch alongside the grenade buff you mentioned.
Is good, is best. All should use this mod.
I downloaded this mod a second time just to say I wish to shake your hand. And I mean a real Arnold Schwarzenegger Carl Weathers thunder clap, because what you've done here is nothing short of immaculate.
The moves and the model are perfect, first mod i'm playing hehe
The mod works well, the color pallet works well too! It's very fun :)
The best moveset so far
I'm excited for Zero's arrival