Mega Man X

Mega Man X v1.2.8

Reviews 4.90 star(s) 42 reviews

When i saw Vile has his knee bombs from the PSP game, I knew this is the best character mod for this game, great work!
queria bota para celular eu to de Android tentei joga mas não funcionou to usado esse mod para fazer parkour habilidade não funciona
You have to use coopdx v1.1
coopdx should be available on Android now
each character feels fantastic to play id love to see someone make a level pack that goes with this vile using his maverick hunter X moveset is so cool
Zero is probably my favorite although I'm upset there's not a black zero or ultimate armor X variant i also think it would be cool if second armor X could get some of the other additions like the enhanced dash attack
maybe make base X not able to midair dash aside from that
its perfect
UAX could happen at some point, Black Zero probably next update.
There are some plans for some stages
the mod is insanely good but idk why has script error... it doesn't let me shoot
use coopdx v1.1 or else it's not usable
nothing extra to say about how good this is!
can you please add vile mk2 and mk5
maybe uax and absolute zero? just maybe....
vile mk2 probably next update, alongside axl and tax
Thanks for those Mega Man X Pack! Any chance that you can add Magma Dragoon and Bit for a next update please?
Magma Dragoon is part of the few remaining considered characters, but low chance.
No chance for Bit unfortunately
the absolute best mod I love you would kill to see Model ZX
Zero is OP AF, and I love it. The rest of the characters are good too, though I'd like it if X was a bit more useful. Maybe if he had some of the Maverick's weapons? Either way, fantastic mod and legit my fav way of playing Coop with the bros
It plays well with the GORE/HARD mode rom hack. Sounds pretty decent as well.
i feel like you have perfectly bring a x & zero to super mario 64 they feel great to control & most of their moves so good hell even vile feels great to control but there some minor issues like why does the characters after holding the z button eventually just crutch & why don't they move in underwater in a megaman game instead of just swimming or zero just punching but beside these small nitpicks i think you did a fantastic job & i hope you will do better in your future endeavors
It's a great work budy! I can't wait to see more characters in the future! Just take your time for any chase man, you where doing a great job!
absolutely amazing, Zero even has his skills, and we can blow stuff up with Vile's bombs

I hope you continue to create this amazing mods
Its a very good remake of the megaman X moveset in 3d, even better than the official 3d megaman X shit
However, I think there's one addition that will make this perfect.
As the number one Axl fan.
Jokes aside, it's great regardless. Thanks!
Axl is being made for 1.3
Great mod, I love it, but are there any plans to update this?
Yes, one more update is planned.
I only download this versión for say,huh...sorry but i forgot the name,bye can put a like github,for download the versións,but can put a link of github please,only say me yes or not,only this...
Not sure what you mean. Are you looking for an old version that has excoop support?
With characters mod like this, Some can now turn Super Mario 64 into a ROBLOX since SM64CoopDX.
I modified the X charge shot timer for much faster charges. The current timer is way too slow.

I've had some ideas in the next update:

Super Shotgun mario 64 -style push/physics blowback:

Instead of making enemies ONLY explode or disappear, give PUSH/ physics blowback and have them fly away with a random script, after a certain blowback push distance, they can explode after a charge shot collision.

(This could really help with the bobombs at close range)

Physics pushback/All objects destroyable and physicalized.:
This was demonstrated in Super Shotgun Mario, where the shotgun can actually push the physics of an enemy instead of just make them disappear, he can even shoot penguins, Cannon Bobombs, toadstool, racing kupa, yoshi, kong bobomb, and bowser sending them flying.

2.Create Targeting reticules for Zero's X's/Armor X charge shots. Similar to Megaman Legends.
3. Give zero the ability to do his FAST charge shot(X5).
4.Friendly Fire mod, I don't know what script makes players in co-op mode or on a private server be able to inflict damage or physics blowback on dmg, this can be enabled by the server, where you shoot/attack your friends playing in your server and they die after enough damage is inflicted bases on charge shot blast settings.

ADD a strong physics push/blowback to send them flying a considerable distance based on charge shot size. Let users code the Mod lua for blowback physics push velocity.

5.A mod for all the Enemy IDs, Debug mode to view rhe ID of the 3d object, and enable/disable physics/phantom/interaction so the otherwise undestroyable objects(ie. Big penguin, mom penguin, child penguin, bowser level:silver shock orbs, Kupa(racer), Toadstool, cannon bobombs, and expanding black orbs emitting flame particles ) can be destroyed or pushed back a great distance with physics.

Modifiable with LUA.


Keep up the good work!
Charge time will be reduced, that's a decent suggestion.

For the other suggestions, pushback will most likely not be added for NPCs or enemies, maybe just players depending on the weapon. targeting reticles might be added.

Firendly fire is already a thing depending on the server settings.

I have also no plan on adding Zero's buster, but a new move will be added for him.

It's possible for Vile's bombs to interact with NPCs (toad, koopa the quick, penguins, mips) but this is actually getting removed next update.
mod muito bom ele e muito fiel a mega man x o jogo de snes eu acho que o criador botou muito efeito visual e eu gostei disso que ele continue fazendo mods excelentes e fieis assim pois eu gosto muito e vou aproveitar todos os mods bem feitos assim