Easy Custom Moveset

Easy Custom Moveset v1.9 ( Gladonic Update & Charizard )

The Charizard mod looks pretty cool, so this update is focus on it. First I added the glide dive, an dive with constant forward and Y velocity, giving more control to the player. Also I added damage multiplier to piranha plant and water enemies, making possible to replicate pokemon super effective system for fire types.

Besides that, this update has a couple of bug fixes and the addition of some random stats for features of previous updates.

Added stats:​

  • glide_dive_on: The character glide when diving.
    • glide_dive_forward_vel: Initial forward velocity when glide diving
    • glide_dive_slowdown: How much the character loses forward velocity when glide diving
    • glide_dive_angle_speed: How much control of the angle the character has when dive gliding
    • glide_dive_min_forward_speed: If the character has less than this stat speed, he will stop gliding
    • glide_dive_max_time: How much time the character can be glide diving
    • glide_dive_y_vel: Fixed Y velocity apply to the character when glide diving
    • glide_dive_render_with_wing_cap: Show the character with wing cap when glide diving
    • glide_dive_disable_spin: Removes spin animation when star glide diving
  • in_air_jump_forward_vel: Set forward speed when doing in air jump
  • disable_twirling_land: Disable landing state of twirling
  • disable_coin_heal: Disable heal from coins
  • coin_heal_multiplier: Increase heal from coins
  • one_hit: The character die after being hit once
  • piranha_plant_damage_multiplier: Increase damage from piranha plants
  • water_enemy_damage_multiplier: Increase damage from fishes,sharks,clams and eels
  • knockback_resistance: Decrease knockback

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Bug fixes​

  • randomly dying of quick sand when ground pound jump. (Thanks CyberAce6 for finding the bug)
  • swimming speed being applied to knock back in water. (Thanks CyberAce6 for finding the bug)
  • wall slide jump and in air jump being execute at same time, making possible to climb up walls. ( Thanks TheVoidLeak for finding the bug )
This update adds the ability to do jumps in the air, allowing for the recreation of the classic double jump. However, it goes beyond that—it's highly customizable. You can define how many air jumps a character can perform and tweak each one individually, including its strength, animation, sound, and forward velocity slowdown.

Moves that alter the timing of hitting the ground while requiring an A pres ( such as Peach’s hover, Luigi’s slow descent, or in air jumps) can make double and triple jumps feel awkward. So,with disable_double_jump and long_jump_triple_jump enabled, you can still do triple jumps while not having to perform the tricky timing of double jump.

The kick_dive setting resolves what I consider the most awkward aspect of Mario 64’s movement: the kick and dive being mapped to the same button. Many times, I intended to perform one but accidentally did the other instead. With kick_dive, pressing B always performs a kick first, and pressing it again performs a dive. This makes character movement much more intuitive.

Additionally, thanks to djoslin0, wall sliding has been added to the mod!

Added stats:​

  • wall_slide_on: Allows the character to perform wall slide. ( Thanks to djoslin0 )
    • wall_slide_gravity: Gravity effect when wall sliding
    • wall_slide_max_gravity: Max downward velocity when applying gravity of wall slide
    • wall_slide_jump_forward_vel: Forward velocity added when jumping from wall slide
    • wall_slide_jump_strength: Increases the height of jump after wall slide
    • wall_slide_jump_type: Type of the jump after wall slide
  • in_air_jump: How many jumps in the air the character can do
    • in_air_jump_strength: Jump strength of in air jumps
    • in_air_jump_animations: Animation of in air jumps
    • in_air_jump_sound: Sound of in air jumps
    • in_air_jump_forward_vel_multiplier: How much forward velocity is converted to in air jumps
    • in_air_jump_forward_vel_slowdown: How much forward velocity is lost each time the character do an air jumps
  • kick_dive_on: When pressing B, instead of performing a dive or kick depending on speed, the character will always execute a kick first. If B is pressed again, a dive will follow
  • disable_double_jump: Disable double jump

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  • disable_damage was not working correctly
This updates introduces new moves, the super side flip and the long jump triple jump. They are powerful, but trick to pull off, since to execute then first you need to do an long jump with speed.
Also, in this updated compatibility with SaulTube Credits Jumping Animation was added. ( Thank you SaulTube ).

Added stats:​

  • saultube_jump_animation: Apply custom single/double/triple jump animation from Saultube.
    • saultube_single_jump_animation: Apply custom single jump animation from Saultube.
    • saultube_double_jump_animation: Apply custom double jump animation from Saultube.
    • saultube_triple_jump_animation: Apply custom triple jump animation from Saultube.
    • Note: You need to install Credits Jumping Animation for this to work.
  • long_jump_triple_jump_on: Allows the character to perform a triple jump after a long jump.
    • long_jump_triple_jump_strength: Increases the height of the triple jump after a long jump (percentage).
    • long_jump_triple_jump_forward_vel: Sets the horizontal velocity of a long jump triple jump (units).
    • long_jump_triple_jump_add_forward_vel: Added horizontal velocity of a long jump triple jump (units).
  • super_side_flip_on: Allows the character to perform an special side flip after long jump.
    • super_side_flip_strength: Height of super side flip.
    • super_side_flip_convert_forward_vel: Conversion from forward velocity of the long jump into the side flip (percentage).
    • super_side_flip_add_forward_vel: Horizontal velocity added when performing a super side flip (units).
    • super_side_flip_kick_strength: Height of the kick when performing a super side flip (percentage of a normal kick).
    • super_side_flip_kick_forward_vel: Forward velocity of the kick when performing a super side flip (units).
    • super_side_flip_gravity: Gravity effect when performing a super side flip (percentage).
    • super_side_flip_max_gravity: Max downward velocity when applying gravity during a super side flip (percentage).
    • super_side_flip_min_velocity: Minimum forward velocity of the long jump required to execute a super side flip (units).

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This update aims to make ground pound feel more dynamic and be an move that does not kill all your momentum.
The changes can be summarized in two parts:

  • introduce ways to customize the default ground pound ( speed up animation, increase velocity, add shake effects)
  • add ways to move out from ground pound (dive, waft fart, ground pound jump)

Added the stats:​

  • ground_pound_dive_on: Allows the character to perform a dive after a ground pound.
    • ground_pound_dive_y_vel: Adds vertical velocity when diving after a ground pound.
    • ground_pound_dive_forward_vel: Forward velocity added when diving after a ground pound.
  • ground_pound_jump_on: Allows the character to perform a special jump after a ground pound.
    • ground_pound_jump_strength: Height of ground pound jump.
      • ground_pound_forward_vel: Horizontal velocity of ground pound jump .
    • ground_pound_jump_dive_on: Allows the character to dive while performing a ground pound jump.
  • waft_fart_on: Allows the character to perform a super fart jump while ground pounding with the Z button. This jump has a limited number of uses per level.
    • waft_fart_velocity: Horizontal velocity of waft fart jump .
    • waft_fart_strength: Height of waft fart jump.
    • waft_fart_per_level: Number of times the character can use the waft fart jump per level.
  • ground_pound_antecipation_speed_up: Increases the speed of the spinning animation before performing a ground pound.
    • "small": Increases speed by 20%.
    • "medium": Increases speed by 25%.
    • "fast": Increases speed by 80%.
    • "immediately": Skips animation.
  • ground_pound_gravity: Gravity effect when ground pounding .
  • ground_pound_max_y_vel: Increases max Y velocity when ground pounding.
  • ground_pound_shake: Increases camera shake when ground pounding.

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This update introduces multipliers for lava, burn, water, and bad gas damage. This allows for adding drawbacks to characters without completely crippling one of their jumps.

Added the stats:​

  • water_damage_multiplier : How much damage the character takes when holding breath under water
  • disable_damage: Disable damage.
  • bad_gas_damage_multiplier: How much damage the character takes from bad gas
  • snow_water_damage_multiplier: How much damage the character takes when holding breath under snow water
  • disable_breath_heal: Disable the healing when breathing in water surface.
  • burning_damage_multiplier: How much damage the character takes when burning
  • disable_burning: Disable burning from flames
  • lava_damage_multiplier: How much damage the character takes from lava

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  • as suggested by Davidcraft50, the sonic/tails stats were buffed
This update focus in adding more ways of entering and exiting the twirling state.

Added the stats:
  • twirling_dive_on: Allows the character to perform a dive while twirling.
  • triple_jump_twirling_on: The character start twirling after triple jump.
  • triple_jump_twirling_when: Defines when the character starts twirling after a triple jump.
  • side_flip_twirling_on: The character start twirling after side flip.
  • twirling_gravity: Gravity effect when twirling.
  • twirling_speed: How much faster the character can move horizontally while twirling.
  • fast_twirling_on: Allows the character to descend faster when twirling by pressing the Z button. (Inspired by steven3004 Character Movesets , please check out, it is really high quality ).
  • fast_twirling_gravity: Gravity effect when fast twirling

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Added the stats:
  • mr_l_jump_on
  • mr_l_jump_strength
  • mr_l_gravity
  • mr_l_air_speed
  • back_flip_twirling_on
  • twirling_ground_pound_on
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  • infinite air velocity when jumping of water ( Thanks to SuperPhanto)

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Added the stats:

  • walking_speed
  • in_air_speed
  • hold_walking_speed
  • crawling_speed
  • grounded_slowing_speed
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