Easy Custom Moveset

Easy Custom Moveset 1.1

Easy Custom Movesets
Easily tweak the moveset of CS characters by simply editing a JSON-like. You can increase gravity, change jump strength, dive velocity, even explode on death.
For example, to make an float character with bigger long jumps and an dive with upward trajectory, you would write:
name = "Osaka",
gravity = 90,
long_jump_strength = 120,
dive_y_vel = 20

To try, you can install this mod with character-select-coop and Azumanga Daioh .

Most important Stats

swimming_speedHow much faster the character can swim (percentage).100
gravityHow much gravity affects the character (percentage).100
jump_strengthHow much higher all jumps are (percentage).100Impacts only the jump constant. Single/double jump velocity depends on a constant and forward velocity.
dive_velocityChanges the constant forward velocity added when diving.100
dive_max_velocityIncreases the max forward velocity cap for dives (percentage).100
long_jump_velocity_multiplierWhen diving, an multiplier is applied to current forward velocity. Increases this multiplier (percentage).100The multiplier value is 1.5
long_jump_max_velocityIncreases the max forward velocity cap for long jumps (percentage).100
You can look all the stats at github

  • Download the character-select-coop ZIP file from releases and unzip into mod folder
  • Download the character-stats ZIP file from releases and unzip into mod folder

How customize your character
You can look examples at initial-characterstats-table.lua.

Integrating your mod
Inside your main.lua, after _G.charSelect.character_add , you can change character stats by executing _G.customMoves.character_add.
    _G.charSelect.character_add("Custom Model", {"Custom Model Description", "Custom Model Description"}, "Custom Model Creator", {r = 255, g = 200, b = 200}, E_MODEL_CUSTOM_MODEL, CT_MARIO, get_texture_info("custom-icon"))
    if _G.customMovesExists then
        _G.customMoves.character_add({name="Custom Model",swimming_speed=500})
Integrating other people mod
If you can't modify the mod files directly, you can submit a pull request to update the file initial-characterstats-table.lua.

Mods Integrated
First release
Last update


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