SM64 Re-Ost +

SM64 Re-Ost + v1


Oct 6, 2024
He / Him
Saultube submitted a new mod:

SM64 Re-Ost + - .mp3 is Now Viable

Patch of Darkly's Mod That Adds More "Songs" And Adds Vanish Music

Credits to Microsoft Sam the Goat for the TTS Voice

"saul why is the music just text to speech" This is A Template, Not A Template including Music so it is TTS to Remove Any Storage Problems

Now There is Vanish Music in the Template
Underground Music (HMC, WDW, Etc)
Spooky Music (BBH)

Credits to Dark Starkly for the Original

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Pretty cool but I wish you could change the music of all the different levels rather than some of them being grouped
you can. just need to change the template a bit lol
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you can. just need to change the template a bit lol
Well I'm not much of a coding expert so...
Don't double post! Use that edit button! Post automatically merged:

Saultube submitted a new mod:

SM64 Re-Ost + - .mp3 is Now Viable

Read more about this mod...
When I try to change some of the mp3's the mod gets grayed out and I can't enable it
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When I try to change some of the mp3's the mod gets grayed out and I can't enable it

I'm having the same issue, after replacing all the MP3s with my own audio the mod becomes greyed-out and impossible to use ingame.

I originally exported my replacements for each MP3 at the default 44100 hz most game audio uses and audacity defaults to on export, and figured that caused the mod to not be usable somehow, since mismatched hertz rate between new and original files tends to cause weird issues when replacing certain games' audio rarely. I then tried re-exporting each track I replaced at a rate of 22050 hz (which the template audio uses) instead, and it had no effect with the mod still being unusable, so it doesn't seem to be a rate-related issue if that narrows the cause of the problem down any.

This all makes me think the issue is actually something broken in the main.lua file somehow, but I don't know much about lua or the specific structure of coop DX lua modding, so I wouldn't know where to start or how to fix it unfortunately.
I'm having the same issue, after replacing all the MP3s with my own audio the mod becomes greyed-out and impossible to use ingame.

I originally exported my replacements for each MP3 at the default 44100 hz most audio uses and audacity defaults to on export, and figured that caused the mod to not be usable somehow, since mismatched hertz rate between new and original files tends to cause weird issues when replacing certain games' audio rarely. I then tried re-exporting each track I replaced at a rate of 22050 hz (which the template audio uses) instead, and it had no effect with the mod still being unusable, so it doesn't seem to be a rate-related issue if that narrows the cause of the problem down any.
Coop Has A 35mb Limit, Nothing I Can Do About That

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