Issues in relation to char-select mod compatibility


Apr 22, 2024
I've got a model working in-game now, after getting some help here & a few other avenues (thank you guys). But, it seems like I may have errors in my models or code unfortunately.
I mean, my model works in-game, but only on default mario. It doesn't actually show up when I hover on my model's name in the char-select menu, only it's armature
Also, there's some type of issue w the shadows in-game when I use the invisibility hat
shadow texture affected

Where can I go from here?
So that maybe the model appears you have to go into the "main" file and look for something that says "local E_MODEL_(model name) = smlua_model_util_get_id("_geo");" where it says ("_geo") you have to put the name of the geo.bin in this case if the geo.bin is called mario_geo you will have to put mario_geo and maybe it will appear. And the other errors you have, I don't know how to solve them xD

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