Game mode competition 2024 Official Rules


Modsite guy
Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
Indianapolis, IN
He / Him
Submission Deadline: July 10, 2024
Game mode extensions allowed: Yes
Teams allowed: Yes
Already being developed content allowed: Yes

The goal of this competition is to get everyone excited about the new mod website and merging of the two different branches of Coop. The competition will lean towards inclusivity, as we want more active participants.

To submit your mod to the competition, simply tag your mod with "Game Mode Competition 2024" when you submit it to the site.

The entrants will be placed on a poll for the community to decide the winner following the deadline. The winner shall receive a custom title, a trophy on the site, and their mod will go into a special category for competition winners.

Any additional discussion for the competition can take place here.

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