Flood Expanded

Flood Expanded v1.5.0


Mar 23, 2024
From: birdekek

Flood Expanded v1.2.1​

Discord Server for Flood Expanded

Changes have been listed here (More to come!)

  • Level and Author Name Display

  • NSMBDS Mario vs Luigi Additions (Coin Powerup Mechanic)

  • Difficulty Settings (How fast the flood kills you)

  • Adds a total of 12 levels (5 are custom)

  • Unique Music

  • Random Map Selection

  • Flood Info Display

  • Some flags now have bases

  • A bit more Star Road support

  • Decreased Castle Grounds speed

  • Metal Cap now lasts 40 seconds instead of its regular time

  • Disabled spawning with Metal Cap on CotMC

  • Switches no longer appear in Cap levels
I would also like to credit these people for contributing in some way to this mod:

Agent X: Original creator of flood
Azearlen: Suggested the idea for Mountain Chog and really helped in the early stages
Zyaxyl: Helped create some of the custom music used within this mod
Cooliokid, or Great Kingdom Official: Wrote ALOT of the code used for the mod
Also, Wems64 and Ethan for minor contributions

Sorry, forgot to list commands, here they are.

/flood start random
/flood random
/flood gamemode [Default, NSMB]
/flood mapmode [Default, Random]
/flood difficulty [number between 0-10]
/flood info


Flood Expanded's custom levels.

Jobocbo's video of it
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birdekek updated Flood Expanded with a new update entry:

Flood Expanded v1.4.0!!

# Flood Expanded v1.4.0
Category: Gamemode

An update to Flood Expanded

discord link again for suggesting stuff: Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

- Readme has more information about modding FE

- UP's Platforms now have a sound and move differently ( + a rendering fix)

- FE Has became more optimized with the help of EmeraldLockdown

- New hud to show each players distance to...

Read the rest of this update entry...
birdekek updated Flood Expanded with a new update entry:

Flood Expanded v1.5.0!!!

Flood Expanded v1.5.0!​

This is probably the best update for FE so far, as quite a lot of changes are present here, and I would say its pretty stable! So, here's a list of em all:

View attachment 1284

Things removed!​

  • Removed Birdslair
  • Removed some unused debug messages present from v1.4.0
  • Removed CS [Crystal Slide]
  • Removed TotWC
  • Removed Unused assets to decrease file size


Read the rest of this update entry...
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How do you enable friendly fire? Is there a way to save settings so that your choices are there automatically the next time you start it?
Also is there an option to make it that instead of going into spectate when you finish a level you linger until everyone else finishes, so you can mess around?
How do you enable friendly fire? Is there a way to save settings so that your choices are there automatically the next time you start it?
Also is there an option to make it that instead of going into spectate when you finish a level you linger until everyone else finishes, so you can mess around?
Sorry for the really late response, i didnt see this before,

1. Flood Expanded v1.5.0 has a modifier specifically for this called PVP

2. Currently as of now, no

3. No, but the closest thing to this could be follow spectator

I would reccomend joining the FE discord server for questions tho.
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Reactions: LuigiGondimOFC1
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me.

I'm trying to find a Master Map List/ command list

I'm not having any luck finding it on the internet but I found such a list before.........

Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me.

I'm trying to find a Master Map List/ command list

I'm not having any luck finding it on the internet but I found such a list before.........

in a-levels.lua in Flood Expanded's mod folder you can find the list
Don't double post! Use that edit button! Post automatically merged:

Commands are also listed on the mod page, the only one hidden from it is /flood hidehud
I've found that file and I've Opened that in notepad and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for in there.

Would you be able to copy and paste it here?

Hey Birdekek, I just got Flood Expanded V1.5.0. But when I tried to type the commands /flood modifiers and /flood config, I got script errors. Is there a way to fix this?
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Extraño... pero la próxima actualización que haga debería solucionarlo
Strange... but the next update i do should fix that
I'm from ex coop, not coop DX.
I think my problem is because when in the original FLOOD I tried to make the water go faster and it didn't work and I tried several times something broke and gave me the message: script errors. Is it because FLOOD EXPANDED somehow gets the information from the original FLOOD? And how can I fix it quickly because I have to be in a FLOOD EXPANDED competition in a couple of months and I have to practice alone in a couple of months but FLOOD EXPANDED has lag and won't let me practice?
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I'm from ex coop, not coop DX.
I think my problem is because when in the original FLOOD I tried to make the water go faster and it didn't work and I tried several times something broke and gave me the message: script errors. Is it because FLOOD EXPANDED somehow gets the information from the original FLOOD? And how can I fix it quickly because I have to be in a FLOOD EXPANDED competition in a couple of months and I have to practice alone in a couple of months but FLOOD EXPANDED has lag and won't let me practice?
take this over to the discord server actually

join and DM me
I'm from ex coop, not coop DX.
I think my problem is because when in the original FLOOD I tried to make the water go faster and it didn't work and I tried several times something broke and gave me the message: script errors. Is it because FLOOD EXPANDED somehow gets the information from the original FLOOD? And how can I fix it quickly because I have to be in a FLOOD EXPANDED competition in a couple of months and I have to practice alone in a couple of months but FLOOD EXPANDED has lag and won't let me practice?
Very god bro
Dude, i found a bug when i am playing with players, when a round has ended and everyone has survived, the next round appears only me and the players not, and i hear much players raging and swearing like cuss words, so today im waiting players and trying to find the bug why no one joined to the next round of yesterday, so, if you have time, would you fix it? because the players of my host raged after that bug appeared around of nowhere, this happenned too when i pressed /flood random and the bug did the same and they raged on the game, so, try to fix it and get some updates to the gamemode that i love so much, so thats all.
Dude, i found a bug when i am playing with players, when a round has ended and everyone has survived, the next round appears only me and the players not, and i hear much players raging and swearing like cuss words, so today im waiting players and trying to find the bug why no one joined to the next round of yesterday, so, if you have time, would you fix it? because the players of my host raged after that bug appeared around of nowhere, this happenned too when i pressed /flood random and the bug did the same and they raged on the game, so, try to fix it and get some updates to the gamemode that i love so much, so thats all.
It sounds like your having a desync issue, but if you could provide more information or replicate the issue, i could probably fix this in the next update, But i havent replicated the issue myself so ¯\(ツ)/¯, Also consider factors like are you using android, or are you on ex-coop, because those are unstable.

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