Day Night Cycle DX

Day Night Cycle DX v2.1


Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
United States
From: AgentX

This mod adds a fully featured day & night cycle system with night, sunrise, day and sunset to sm64coopdx. This mod was originally made for sm64ex-coop but was overhauled and updated to use new sm64coopdx exclusive Lua functionality. Days last 24 minutes and you can switch to and from 24 hour time with /time 24h

Special thanks to AngelicMiracles for the sunset, sunrise and night time skyboxes.
AgentX updated Day Night Cycle DX with a new update entry:

Day Night Cycle DX v2.1

  • Optimized skybox model system and slightly reduced file size
  • Changed night, sunrise, and sunset tints
  • Introduced ambient lighting tints, making lighting have nicer contrast and better appearance
  • Added an event hook system with 8 hooks
  • Added tons of new API functions with sanity checks as well and constants
  • Fixed bug with night music not starting properly
  • Made skyboxes larger so they have a smaller likelihood of not extending beyond huge level geometry
  • Fixed...

Read the rest of this update entry...

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