Character Select

Character Select v1.12

Auto-Palletes are mysteriously not working along with a lot of mods, so I took a look and I think this code block needs updating:

A lot of mods use this gamemode incompatible flag, can this be removed or at least display a warning when stopPalettes becomes true?
Just let me know when this is becomes an update
Auto-Palletes are mysteriously not working along with a lot of mods, so I took a look and I think this code block needs updating:

A lot of mods use this gamemode incompatible flag, can this be removed or at least display a warning when stopPalettes becomes true?
Heyy literally just discovered this discussion tab is here, There isn't really any other better way to go about this that would still be compatible with legacy gamemode mods. But Character Select was changed (I believe v1.10) to tell you if Palettes and/or Movesets are Unavailable via the Pause Menu, Hope this helps!! (Also threw this thread on watching just so I remember that this exists, so if you have any more issues please do tell!)
Squishy6094 updated Character Select with a new update entry:

Character Select v1.11.1 - After Party Clean Up

A Minor Character Select update to patch up most of the bugs from the Anniversary Update (v1.11) being a little rushed >.<'

Character Select v1.11.1 Changelog:
- Replaced gPlayerSyncTable with a custom networking system
- Should fix most desync issues such as model desync
- Exposed networking data to gCSPlayers
  • Added the ability to add...

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Can someone help me how to make it work in CoopDX Android Port because the game freezes, can you help me creator For the new version to work, please update it to work on the Port 😞

(and I am Android version 0.6 of CoopDx)
Hey! I'm trying to use the character-select mod, but have no idea on how to get it to work, do I just drag and drop it into (character-select-coop or mods?) Also, how would I get character mods working? I drag the file into mods, but the characters don't show up there. Is it just a matter of having the character-select mod working? I have Cs, Character select, and the character all enabled.
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Squishy6094 updated Character Select with a new update entry:

Character Select v1.12

A new Character Select version made for CoopDX v1.1

Character Select v1.12 Changelog:
  • Updated internal version requirement to v38 (CoopDX v1.1)
  • Fixed possible bugs with update_preset_palette
  • Added character_get_current_palette
  • Added character_get_current_palette_number
  • Added config_character_sounds
  • Merged z-anims.lua with main.lua

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Can confirm, even with 1.12 installed and enabled it still tells me it isn't enabled. Any fixes?

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