
  1. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 6: Luigi's Adventure v1.3.1 Inf Lives

    Star Revenge 6: Luigi's Adventure About: 121 Stars New Levels Star Revenge Series (Classic) This is Star Revenge 6, a take on exploring Peach's Castle that got taken over by Bowser. This is pretty much your standard sm64 hack, new levels and a castle with paintings to explore. Out of the...
  2. Dragonary

    Coin Requirement Modifier v1.0

    Coin Requirement Modifier Created by Dragonary Ever find yourself struggling to find the last red coin, or just too lazy to grab all 100 coins? This mod allows you to easily change the number of coins needed for the 100 coin and red coin stars with these 3 simple commands: /coin [number] -...
  3. flipflop bell

    Super Mario 74 - The Twelve Year Comet v1.3.2

    Super Mario 74 - The Twelve Year Comet About: 101 Stars Light Kaizo Green Comet Super Mario 74 The Green Comet sequel to Super Mario 74: Ten Years After! There are 101 new Green Stars to collect! This hack uses assets from the Super Deluxe update and has little easter eggs spread across...
  4. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 6.9: Luigi Lost in Time v1.1 Inf Lives

    Star Revenge 6.9: Luigi Lost in Time About: 27 Stars Repurposed Levels Star Revenge Series This is Star Revenge 6.9, a small side-hack made from levels which were meant for SR8 before it got reworked to feature a lot more Touhou. You find yourself in a Tower with time portals to different...
  5. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 2.5: Remnant of Doom v1.2 Inf Lives

    Star Revenge 2.5: Remnant of Doom About: 115 Stars Remade, Reimagined and Remixed Levels Light Kaizo Star Revenge Series This is Star Revenge 2.5, a remake of Star Revenge 2 NoD. This hack features a handful of levels from NoD edited to be more manageable and better looking or just different...
  6. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 1.5: Star Takeover Redone v2.2.1

    Star Revenge 1.5: Star Takeover Redone About: 125 Stars Remade and Reimagined Levels Star Revenge Series Star Check Support This is a modern remake of Star Revenge 1 ST with 125 stars, which is also the 2nd time SR1 got remade. (Older versions before v2.1 only got 121 stars) Most of the...
  7. MlopsFunny

    [CS] Legacy Characters Pack! 1.0.1

    WE'RE GOIN' BACK! With the release of 1.0, theres no doubt some people miss the old models for Toad and Waluigi, made by Keeberghh and Djosin0. I deided to create them as a CS pack. Mainly for trailer creation for 1.0, but also as a fully fledged pack, with the original models, icons, and...
  8. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 7.5: Kedowser's Return v1.1 Inf Lives

    Star Revenge 7.5: Kedowser's Return About: 131 Stars Badges Remixed Levels Star Revenge Series This is Star Revenge 7.5, a SMG2 green stars styled hack based on Star Revenge 7. Unlike SR6.5, this hack features all levels from the hack it's based one, fully edited and with some level themes...
  9. flipflop bell

    Flipflop Bell's Castle Grounds v1.0

    My SMB Movie Inspired Castle Grounds! Enjoy! This mod takes heavy inspiration from the SMB movie, SMO and also the SM64 Decades Later rom hack! It works just like @Chilly 's hangout maps so you can play it with any rom hack! although be aware that it uses collision fix Textures by Brodute, with...
  10. EmilyEmmi

    Brutal Bosses v1.0

    This mod makes bosses more difficult. It adds new attacks and adjustments to every boss in the game. Also includes changes to NPCs, such as Toad, Mips, Bob-Omb Buddy, and more. Expect other secrets too... While this is compatible with rom hacks, you'll have to play in vanilla to experience all...
  11. NumberOneJenny

    [CS] In Stars and Time Character Pack v1.0

    The Character Select mod is required to make this pack work! Starring the six main characters of the beautifully crafted timeloop focused RPG by insertdisc5, In Stars and Time! Included in this pack: Siffrin Mirabelle Isabeau Odile Boniface (Bonnie) Loop Also includes custom caps for MOST of...
  12. SuperKirbylover

    [CS] Brian Griffin v1.2.2

    Holy crap, Lois, it's Brian Griffin! Playable in Character Select! Inspired by the Peter Griffin mod, here comes the straight man-- or dog-- to follow! This pack features: Voicelines (mixing by ZAIDORZ) No IMMA_TIRED, SNORING1, SNORING3, COUGHING Recolorable model Default palette (requires...
  13. melzinoff

    [CS] Bowsette V1

    This pack requires at least 1.8! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Bowsette is gonna show Bowser who's the real queen! Includes: Custom Animations Voice acting! (done by GauntletQueen) Custom Caps, Palette and Icon! AND IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE BOWSER MOVESET, JUST HOST CS AND THIS MOD ALONG...
  14. Dragonary

    Super Mario The Galactic Journey v1.0

    Super Mario The Galactic Journey Romhack created by Fares242 Ported to co-op by Dragonary Story There exists a Star of great power placed in its altar in the center of the universe. It is called the "Galactic Star". It balances the spatial activity especially for planets with life on them...
  15. MlopsFunny

    [CS] Mlops Yoshi 2.0

    YOSHI IS HERE! Yoshi has descended from the castle, in hopes of meeting Mario again! This [CS] pack features Yoshi, and has a few features to it! Lets go over them! Yoshi is Recolorable, and features a Preset Pallete, using the Coopdx one! He has ALL hands, capless states and captables...
  16. MlopsFunny

    [PET] Boxy Boy v1.0.0

    Its Boxy Boy! As a pet! PaRappa's Boombox Buddy, Boxy Boy, is added to Coop Deluxe, Using WiddlePets! The Model is taken from PaRappa 2's Model Resource page, as this is my first pet mod, and I used it as a way to learn the API. As A Pet, you can... PET THE BOXY BOY! GRAB THE BOXY BOY...
  17. MlopsFunny

    [CS] PaRappa the Rapper v1.0.0

    It's PaRappa! PaRappa is a lovestruck rapper who is always fighting for his friends, and mostly for the love of his life, Sunny Funny. Whenever he runs into a problem, he never gives up and just keeps on believin'! This [CS] pack features the following: Completely Original Model...
  18. _6b

    Kirby Mario v1.0

    little mario with a kirby suit, inspired by this tweet : optional : shirt + shoes : ff0044 cap + overalls : ffabe4
  19. melzinoff

    [CS] Princess Daisy (Modern Mix) V1.1

    THIS MOD REQUIRES 1.8 CHARACTER SELECT The Sarasaland Princess jumps again to help Peach! Features: Voice acting done by MorphiGalaxi Her Mario Run Double Jump when pressing A after a jump! Custom Caps, Custom Animations, Icon and Palette Preset as usual! This is a Character Select mod...
  20. Warioplier


    i have nothing to say about this because all i have to go off of is a single trailer that has been out for a day lmfao it has both a red and blue alt specifically for the arena gamemode uhh thats about it lmao yall should ABSOLUTELY play my construct arena map that is shown in the red and blue...