
  1. UglyNoise

    If you dont mind me asking, whatever happened to Pasta Castle? (The SM64 ex-coop Pizza Tower mod, not the Pizza Tower Mario Mod.)

    in around 2023, during Pizza Towers popularity, there was a mod called "Pasta Castle" which gave Mario Peppino's moveset from the game, after the sm64 ex coop modding site got taken down, it kind of became lost media, and while the Unfinished V2 version of it can still be found, its really...
  2. srGSR

    Easy Custom Moveset v1.10.1 ( American Philosopher Update )

    Easy Custom Movesets Easily tweak the moveset of CS characters by simply editing a JSON-like file. You can increase gravity, change jump strength, walk speed, even explode on death. For example, to make an float character with bigger long jumps and an dive with upward trajectory, you would...
  3. kanisan

    Steve Please tell me how to add sounds with MOD.

    何らかの理由で、Steve mod のサウンドが携帯電話で再生されません。どうすればいいですか?
  4. Ibrazds

    Set Size v1.0

    This mod adds 2 commands.\n\n/size: Changes the size of your character by using 3 numbers or less.\n\n/max-size: A host only command that limits the size of players.\n(DEFAULT IS 10)\n\nThe host is unaffected by max-size.\n\n\nThis mod does not update player hitboxes.
  5. DenisTheGreenFox

    How is SM64 Ztar Attack launched on CoopDX?

    Hello everybody, can you please tell me how can the romhack SM64 Ztar Attack be launched on CoopDX? I actually wanna try on CoopDX because it's so great with mods I have.
  6. Ibrazds

    Flood RomHack

    Mods show Complete show May Flood RomHack Means Not Uploading I Show Without Stuff like new it. ---------------Flood RomHack----------------- Total Romhack:60 @TOÑO Creator By Flood Romhack @SuperRodrigo0 Main Helper and Support @SuperMarty B3313 Flood and Mod Trailer @Blocky Custom Pause Menu...
  7. Ibrazds

    Gore/Hardmode v1.0

    who new stuff can be released no may mean next up that like that gore/frogger in the Gore/Hardmode i have by mods in creator discord my others mods your have show will try put on Gamplay @Blocky show try you mean show open in the gore mod this it. PvP 12
  8. Jessei17

    Who can give me the radomizer sm64 mod

    Aaa 1730992305 I've been looking for this mod for a long time
  9. SuperTristan64DSiGuy

    Bro I Cant Get The Sounds, Rom Hacks And Mods To Work

    Pls Tell Me How to Make These Work
  10. JonTheLGuy64

    A unique voice for Waluigi!

    I'm sure it's been overdue to suggest this, but we NEED an actual voice for Waluigi, instead of a deeper Luigi voice! I used to have a Custom Waluigi Voice mod for him, but recent updates to the game (I assume) made it stop working, so I feel like now's a good time to ask. Of course, if y'all...
  11. kanisan

    character select mod cannot be used

    what should i do if the character select mod cannot be used with sm64ex-coop?
  12. Ash-Must-Die

    [CS] Vinny Vinesauce 1.0

    Variety streamer takes the role of bing bing wahoo man. Needs Character select to function. Includes: Custom Voice lines Custom Icon 4 costumes to choose from Updates may come in the future, adding more voice lines, costumes, and recolorability. Uses repurposed code from Alestar24's Shy...
  13. Nefty

    Superstar Saga Moveset v3.0

    # Superstar Saga Moveset! Category: Moveset Lets go! Okie Dokie! Credits Made by: Nefty With the Help of Jabelrpo Fire and Thunder code by: Wibblus Bugs fixs by: Atrael2 Beta Testers: Foster The Arsonist, Jekino & JMC | Corlg Controls Mario Y after triple jump: Spin X after Jump: Ball Z+B...
  14. Nefty

    Net64 Taunts 1.0

    The Net64 taunts are back! Taunts: Tpose - Up Jpad Sleeping - Down Jpad Waving - Right Jpad Shocked - Left Jpad (The T pose isn't really in Net64, but I decided to add it because I thought it was funny) (I will try to improve the Waving in a future update)
  15. Atrael

    Drop Your Coins When You Die v1.0

    A lua that makes you drop your coins when you die & an optional lava sink death command. Hit the jackpot everytime you die with the Drop-Level-Collected-Coins command. Credits: Atrael - Creator Sunk - coin check code
  16. Nefty

    New 64 Movesets 1.1

    The New Super Mario Bros Wii moveset now on Super Mario 64! Made by: Pepitosxd Spin and camera shake by: Dremy_Bowser
  17. Nefty

    Goomba Simulator 1.0

    Mario went to rest so he asked a Goomba if he could save the princess and he said yes and gave him his cap. Mod by: Pepitosxd, Credits to Ale64, MrGameAndSketch and Lucho_Gamer for some of the assets used in this mod such as the Goomba model (64)
  18. Neppy

    [CS and DynOS] Emmy the Robot + Extra Nandroids v1.1

    Featuring characters from the webcomic Emmy the Robot by Dominic Cellini! The first pack contains Emmy herself, while the second has Molly, Franny, Amy and Polly from the comic, along with three fandom OC Nandroids; Tabby, Wendy and Lulu. Targets Super Mario 64 COOPDX, but is compatible with...
  19. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 1.3 - Redone v2.0.3

    Star Revenge 1.3 - Redone About: 111 Stars Remade Levels Star Revenge Series (Classic) This is Star Revenge Redone or more commonly known as Redone 1.3, the old remake of the first Star Revenge. Before the usual, skip this hack and play SR1.5 Star Takeover Redone 2.0, considering it hack is...
  20. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 3: Mario on An Saoire v1.2

    Star Revenge 3: Mario on An Saoire About: 65 Stars New Levels Star Revenge Series (Classic) This Star Revenge 3, Mario on a trip to a vacation island. The hack has an open world structure with interconnected levels. Getting a star will take you back the start of the level, but you can keep...