custom character

  1. Spring E. Thing

    Custom Lua Moveset - Where To Start?

    Hey guys, I've been interested in doing some Lua for a custom moveset + character for months now. I've tried a few times, but every time I try and get a start I really stick with it for like a day or two but then just get so overwhelmed and fatigued. Normally in this situation I'd cling to...
  2. _6b

    [CS] Monsieur Windows v1

    An original character created from scratch for excoop! Play as "Monsieur Windows" in the Mushroom Kingdom! Bowser will be surprised to see this guy appear instead of our moustachioed plumber. Enjoy !
  3. _6b

    Retro Fratello v1

    Mario & Luigi's redesign made by me, looks a bit like SMB's retro sprites. Recommended palettes : Mario (SMB1) : PANTS : 706801 SKIN : f7aa01 CAP : d70101 Mario (SMB2) : PANTS : 0300bc SKIN : e79b00 CAP : ba4401 Mario (SMB3) : PANTS : 000000 SKIN : f9b7ab CAP : f63900 Mario (SML) : PANTS ...
  4. _6b

    [CS] Pepsiman v1

    A mod that lets you play as pepsiman ! It can be recolored. The white texture is linked to the gloves, The blue texture is linked to the overalls. dub by me.
  5. birdekek

    [CS] Plok! v1.0.0

    Its the character from the game Miyamoto himself said was above sonic i disagree with that as Plok is recolorable, Ploks colors are: Shirt: c6d700 Gloves: c6000f Shoes: c6000f Skin: c6000f