character select

  1. _6b

    [CS] Monsieur Windows v1

    An original character created from scratch for excoop! Play as "Monsieur Windows" in the Mushroom Kingdom! Bowser will be surprised to see this guy appear instead of our moustachioed plumber. Enjoy !
  2. _6b

    Retro Fratello v1

    Mario & Luigi's redesign made by me, looks a bit like SMB's retro sprites. Recommended palettes : Mario (SMB1) : PANTS : 706801 SKIN : f7aa01 CAP : d70101 Mario (SMB2) : PANTS : 0300bc SKIN : e79b00 CAP : ba4401 Mario (SMB3) : PANTS : 000000 SKIN : f9b7ab CAP : f63900 Mario (SML) : PANTS ...
  3. _6b

    [CS] Pepsiman v1

    A mod that lets you play as pepsiman ! It can be recolored. The white texture is linked to the gloves, The blue texture is linked to the overalls. dub by me.
  4. birdekek

    [CS] Plok! v1.0.0

    Its the character from the game Miyamoto himself said was above sonic i disagree with that as Plok is recolorable, Ploks colors are: Shirt: c6d700 Gloves: c6000f Shoes: c6000f Skin: c6000f
  5. Squishy6094

    Character Select Pack Competition - "Indie Struggles"

    We in Squishy Community Server are hosting our very first Official Character Select Pack Competition!! More information is shown in the screenshot below, packs must be submitted in the server in order to participate!
  6. _6b

    Mario Movie Player Model v1

    Wahoo ! Here's Mario in the style of the illumination film. I've made you a little dynos pack and a CS mod with 2 versions of Mario, one with Chris Pratt's voice and one without. Enjoy !
  7. ThaGurlTIlly

    [CS] Baby Mario V1.0

    This Character Select mod contains a fully voiced Baby Mario! the model was made by ThaGurlTilly & FluffaMario, and the voice was done by ThaGurlTilly, these credits & palette hex values are in the README that is included in the zip file! (my limited knowledge has given this model some issues...
  8. melzinoff

    [CS] Paper Partners 64 + TTYD V 3.5.2

    Please make sure you have Character Select 1.11!! Paper Partners 64 + TTYD is CS pack with 23 characters! It includes EVERY Paper Mario Partner! And includes sounds for every partner, some even voice acted! Also includes features to make it even more special. Characters include: Goombario...
  9. ThaGurlTIlly

    [CS] Birdo New Model v2.0

    The original birdo mod, while wonderful, left a lot to be desired when it came to the model, this new version contains the same wonderful voice pack, with a brand new model that you can see below, it contains full recolor support, best played with the Yoshi Moveset mod, but you can play without...
  10. wibblus

    [CS] Nabbit v1.0

    It's the lil scoundrel of the Mushroom Kingdom, here to nab far too many power stars for their little bag to carry! [Includes a CS mod and DynOS version]
  11. wibblus

    [CS] Dry Bones v1.2

    It's a lil dry bones and he's playable!! that's it! he is my first character mod and is my son actually [Includes a CS mod and DynOS version]
  12. wibblus

    [CS] Bowser (+Jr) Moveset v1.2

    The King of the Koopas, and his son, playable! Includes a shell spin move (crouch+B, moving), fireball (crouch+B), and various other tweaks and animations! This mod requires Character Select 1.9 or greater. You can enable various attributes of the Bowser Moveset into your own [CS] characters...
  13. wibblus

    [CS] SMRPG Characters v1.3

    Are you saying THIS star is part of your “Starway”? That's “STAR ROAD”, my fluffy little friend ... Geno and Mallow are playable! this pack includes a CS mod with bonus Lua code and movesets! Created along with Melzinoff
  14. melzinoff

    Birdo V2

    Your favorite transgender dinosaur! It's an old model, i suggest using the new version made by Tilly :] It's here for posterity :] Includes CS pack, sounds, icon and dynOS!
  15. melzinoff

    [CS] WAPEACH V1.1

    Wapeach from Mario Power Tennis! Oh, she wasn't? She was unused? Well now she's in Mario 64! Voiced by the talented SodaVampyr! Press Y to toggle her axe! Thanks wibble for this neat piece of code :]
  16. MlopsFunny

    [CS] The Shitilizer 1.1.0

    Its the man, the myth, the legend, Shitilizer! The Infamous Troll from Super Mario 64: The Underworld has broken free once again, and is now on a even larger quest to collect soul stars to increase his Noise energy! so run, jump and wahoo your way trough levels with this silent (as of now), but...
  17. Yuyake "FunkyLion"

    [CS] VL-Tone and CJes Luigi v4.1

    A big throwback to the late 2000s of SM64 community! The models were extracted from their original romhacks to ensure the models were as close to the originals as possible! These also include the hex codes for their respectful original colors! Requires Squishy's Character Select Mod...
  18. Trashcam

    [CS] Peter Griffin v1

    This mod will add Peter Griffin from Family Guy to Super Mario 64 with the help of Character Select brought to you by Squishy6904 and his Developers! Peter Includes Model By Me :] Voicelines Custom Animations Fun (Fun not Guaranteed *Character Select Is Required for This Mod to Work! (It is...