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  1. ComputerAxe

    crash when leaving a server

    Oh wrong error my bad
  2. ComputerAxe

    How does one properly install sonic?

    Sorry, it's actually "/sonic on" and "/sonic off"
  3. ComputerAxe

    Custom Level Template?

    I've seen this template used and referenced several times, yet I can find no trace of it on any of the GitHub repositories, YouTube descriptions, or discord discussions... And what there is consists of broken Discord CDN links. I don't usually beg, but this is getting ridiculous. Is this...
  4. ComputerAxe

    crash when leaving a server

    Confirmed to be fixed in update 1.0. In the meantime, there's not much you can do that I know of, unfortunately.
  5. ComputerAxe

    OpenGL - Stuck in fullscreen?

    Happens all the time, it's fine (y) As for the actual issue, I'm not sure... If none of the traditional fixes work, I would normally suggest recompiling, but in your case, I'm honestly not sure.
  6. ComputerAxe

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    Really??? Okay I might use that myself now thank you
  7. ComputerAxe

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    Rather frankly, all the reddit sm64 communities I know of- even the big ones- are kiiiinda dead. As such, I wouldn't worry much. 😅 Pretty positive you'd need to configure the stuff in blender, and make a [CS] pack. Not unlike the last post of yours I commented on. As always, though, I could very...
  8. ComputerAxe

    Super Smash Bros.

    I said Melee, but SSB64 is definitely tied with Melee. I mainly just didn’t want to stretch the post out long. …Which is kind of silly, looking at my other posts. Smash Remix is probably my favorite way to play SSB64, too.
  9. ComputerAxe

    How can I make character mods? Installed the same way as normal fast64
  10. ComputerAxe

    OpenGL - Stuck in fullscreen?

    I was stating what F11 does.
  11. ComputerAxe

    OpenGL - Stuck in fullscreen?

    Change full screen on/off
  12. ComputerAxe

    How can i make the character's eyes look in a specific direction (idle only)

    Huh. Unfortunately I cannot look into it deeper right now, but I will look at the code hooks / examples later and see what I can find. Sorry I wasn't much help
  13. ComputerAxe

    How can i make the character's eyes look in a specific direction (idle only)

    Knowing how models work, I suspect you'd need to change to model itself. This, however, is nearing the limitations of my knowledge, so I might be wrong.
  14. ComputerAxe

    How can i make the character's eyes look in a specific direction (idle only)

    I mean the code itself seems fine... Did you add those states to your model?
  15. ComputerAxe

    How can i make the character's eyes look in a specific direction (idle only)

    Try to look at the error using F1. It's pretty easy to interpret if you know how. Feel free to post the error here if you need help.
  16. ComputerAxe

    Better Waluigi Model

    Exactly what I was referring to! It would be fun to make a more accurate one, though- I might do that.
  17. ComputerAxe

    Better Waluigi Model

    I honestly feel like for all purposes though it's better that way. You don't want a ridiculously large character, and Waluigi already stands out from the rest. I personally don't notice the height difference all that much, but eh. That's just my two cents.
  18. ComputerAxe

    What actions are attached to What CharacterSound

    They should be pretty obvious- I looked at them and most immediately played in my head- but I must admit that I can understand your request, as there were quite a few in there that puzzled me. As such, I'd recommend downloading a few Character Select Addons and looking at their code too see...
  19. ComputerAxe

    Proximity Chat for MacBook

    It's all good- I like to intentionally be one just to screw with people.
  20. ComputerAxe

    Sonic Character: Rebooted

    Just like Italians... :cry: