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  1. (Error)

    Better Waluigi Model

    I think he meant like a MP3 Styled model.
  2. (Error)

    How does one properly install sonic?

    also in chat just type / and hit enter and it will list all commands pretty sure /? works too
  3. (Error)

    Better Waluigi Model

    Ok, so, I know this comes across bad to the devs, but that waluigi in the game is not waluigi, hes barely taller than wario in-game, i know he's short to match the proportions of mario but y'know what I mean, right?
  4. (Error)

    Finding Super Mario 64 DS Luigi voices less-compressed versions

    The "redubbed" voice clips i was talking about reffering to was this video with the long-jump, triple-jump and his "gotcha".
  5. (Error)

    Multiple custom colour presets, & Copying text from messages.

    I've already put the colour preset thing in the discord, so I guess I'll just copy my message from there. Being able to make multiple custom colour presets so, lets say, if you like this colour scheme, but like this other one too, you can just switch between the 2 without having to take the...
  6. (Error)

    How do I change the look of skyboxes on stages?

    I have a mod that adds DS Textures and a Render96 DynOs, and they both have skybox texture files, but they don't actually change. So is there like a way with lua or textures that can change it?
  7. (Error)

    playable peach

    and now this is technically a thing
  8. (Error)

    Lobby Titles

    This is genius holy crap
  9. (Error)

    Finding Super Mario 64 DS Luigi voices less-compressed versions

    I know of a R96 mod where someone redubbed a few of them. I can send you those files if you want. They are noticably not the og clips but hq, but they're good 1718692296 Also the Mario kart gp games (1 and 2) have slightly higher quality clips to the gcn ones i believe
  10. (Error)

    Super Smash Bros.

  11. (Error)

    Finding Super Mario 64 DS Luigi voices less-compressed versions

    I have the Lets-a go file here but i don't think the others have any HQ versions found currently.
  12. (Error)

    Lobby Titles

  13. (Error)

    Is there a way to change where a star goes to when it appears?

    Ok, I will try this when I can. Thanks. It worked, thanks! Would the king bobomb star be like this? vec3f_set(gLevelValues.starPositions.KingBobombStarPos, 0, 0, 0) Nevermind, figured it out.
  14. (Error)

    Is there a way to change where a star goes to when it appears?

    So do I just put that as a line in the lua with the coordinates instead of 0, 0, 0? 1716944848 wait what coordinates order is it? X, Y, Z?
  15. (Error)

    Is there a way to change where a star goes to when it appears?

    I recently made a DS version of WF and the star that spawns when I kill King Whomp goes way up in the air, and I'm wondering if there's any way to change where the star goes to.
  16. (Error)

    Re-apply for mod.

    Oh damn I forgot about that, so in order to release the mod, I need to credit them in the lua description? If so then I definitely will. And if I need to, I will also ask them for permission.
  17. (Error)

    Re-apply for mod.

    I believe I've done 3. Does 2 mean that if I was denied before, then the mod must be like way better quality? Because that's what I'm interpreting it as there And I can't really add more quality to a voice mod, I'd think, since it works good as it is so, not sure how I can really do that.
  18. (Error)

    Re-apply for mod.

    Ok, so in hindsight, I probably should've tested if the mod was able to be dragged and dropped, and extracted, I didn't really notice because I manually put in mods because If i click off the game window while it's loading the mod it almost guarantees a crash, then a restart. Here is the fixed...
  19. (Error)

    Re-apply for mod.

    I made another thread before that got rejected for a problem that I have fixed regarding the drag drop mod install thing not working with my voice mod for luigi and wario. (Also it not being able to be extracted by other programs that aren't WinRAR, which I use)
  20. (Error)

    Modder Status App

    Ok so this is a google drive link to my N64 Luigi & Wario Voice mod.