Please don't create multiple posts just because your original one doesn't get an answer right away. You should really try it before asking, of course you can
If you're gonna apply, you need to share what mod you want to upload. It needs to be a mod YOU made, not any edits of existing mods, and no posting mods that have already been released.
We can not give you any info on how to obtain one. You need to dump it from an sm64 cartridge or something. You need an unmodified us ROM that's in big endian format
Yes. This is the only official way to obtain it: GitHub - ManIsCat2/sm64coopdx . Don't follow any suspicious YouTube guides on how to use it, same with unknown websites.
Please don't post under unrelated forums, you've been told multiple times now. You can't post mods until you have the modder status, which you do not have because you haven't showcased any mods that you have made yourself.
It is. Also, please only post issues with the PC version on this forum. Android issues can go in the coop discussion forums, or in off-topic if you don't want to bother anyone
Sorry for the late response. I personally believe this should be uploaded as a template instead of a mod, like the character template that SM64coopdx provides.
Gonna lock this. Feel free to create another application to submit your mod, and please use English! If you can't upload images, feel free to use imgur or something.
From what I can tell, you didn't make that mod. The creators are XxCmbRxX and Lucho_Gamer. If they want it on the modsite, they can upload it themselves.
For one, no one knows who master1 is, he isn't even the one that made the android port. 2, you linked to an unofficial download page. The only official way to download is is from the GitHub page
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