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  1. Paradox

    Se puede utilizar el chat de proximidad en Android?

    Please use English when using this site.
  2. Paradox

    SM64coop deluxe HELP

    You are completely wrong. "" is not a compiler, it's a precompiled version of the old sm64ex-coop which contains rom assets, so it is illegal to distribute it.
  3. Paradox

    SM64coop deluxe HELP

    For one, it is illegal and against the rules to send you the "original" exe. Secondly, just obtaining the exe won't work. Also the original exe you are talking about is outdated. Most mods won't even work on it anymore
  4. Paradox

    Donkey Kong character mod

    Also, please use the correct threads. Your post does not contain any suggestions
  5. Paradox

    Donkey Kong character mod

    Should be one on the discord server, try looking there
  6. Paradox

    Where do I get the SMS Alfredo Voice Template?

    Look at the discord server, it's most likely there
  7. Paradox

    The host button does not work, no matter what I try.

    Not sure if this issue still exists, but make sure you agreed to the rules before you host. Open the public lobbies page and agree, then retry
  8. Paradox

    SM64coop deluxe HELP

    You can either rename sm64coopdx.exe to that or you can edit the config file nucleus Coop uses to read sm64coopdx.exe instead
  9. Paradox

    I cant drag the rom to sm64 Linux version

    Show hidden files needs to be on, yes.
  10. Paradox

    i didn’t realize there was already controller support

    How is that related to the Wiki?
  11. Paradox

    Sm64 coop dx web port

    I highly doubt no one is gonna take the time to port it to iOS. The people who made the Android ports sure wont be.
  12. Paradox

    im having a problem with the game for some reason

    The error is caused by your network. Nothing we can do about that
  13. Paradox

    Lag spikes

    Indeed, report issues with the mobile port to their discord servers. Also, lag spikes are usually caused by the device
  14. Paradox

    a few problems im having with the game

    1st one is caused by network issues on your end, not much we can do about it. 2nd one I can't give much detail on since I don't use voice mods often 3rd one is also caused by either your network or the host's
  15. Paradox

    Rosalina [CS] mod in SM64CoopDX. Thoughts?

    There is already a Rosalina dynos pack posted in the discord if you really want her. It's not a CS pack, but you can make her one for personal use
  16. Paradox

    does the website look different? Themes haven't been rebuilt since the last update to the modsite, that's why it looks a little different right now
  17. Paradox

    I cant find the Cheats mod for coop dx anywhere

    The cheat mod is built into CoopDX
  18. Paradox

    need usamune coop if possible

    Just use the izesavestates mod
  19. Paradox

    JP mode ig?

    The ROM asset extraction thing doesn't have support for the JP rom. Also, they wouldn't be crossplay between each other. So there's really no point in doing this
  20. Paradox

    We have the android port on this version

    Yes. But I advise you only follow actual guides or tutorials, don't follow any YouTube videos unless it's made by the actual people who made the port