I started work on the interiors finally. Not at ALL done with the exteriors, but the interiors are FAR EASIER to finish up and get ready so I can just focus on the exterior for the rest of dev. We're almost there c:
Please don't post under unrelated forums, you've been told multiple times now. You can't post mods until you have the modder status, which you do not have because you haven't showcased any mods that you have made yourself.I dont know post mods How do tutorial Mods post?
Nice :]OK hi this is the first proper post of the Thing so let's start off strong, my next map.
I'm doing another hangout map :3 I didn't model most of it this time, and this is just a bit of an early draft since this screenshot was taken after getting everything into blender and converted to fast3d-- it's Goldenrod City from Pokemon gen 2, specifically the remakes on DS. It also has all of route 34 included, so it's a considerably large map!
The map will feature every interior from HGSS, and also some extra ones meant specifically for hangout purposes. It'll also have some secrets to find, so I can't wait to get this out to you all when it's ready! This hangout map won't be an addon however, but rather a forced thing, as I think to properly progress the idea of the "Hangout Gamemode" we should start forcing it more and have maps that people can do much more in.
Most of the work here is actually just modelling the other sides of the buildings that were cleverly culled out of the models since they were made for a top down perspective. And converting some sprite details to 3D, like the rocks. I also plan on expanding the water and adding some extra detail to make it feel more immersive.