Sonic Character: Rebooted

Sonic Character: Rebooted v1.2.1

This is a mod that adds Sonic and friends as a playable character in sm64ex-coop.

To access the character, type /sonic in chat.

To know which character is which, type /sonic help.

Sonic replaces Mario, and is faster than the vanilla cast, and he also brings some new tricks to the table.

  • Momentum tweaks: When running or landing Sonic doesn't lose any speed that he has gained. If you let go of the analog stick he'll decelerate instead of stopping immediately.
  • Air control: While airborne, during some moves, he can turn around in the air and change directions.
  • No swimming. He instead has a limited version of his ground moveset.
  • Fall damage is delayed a bit for Sonic.
  • B button (ground):
  1. Spindash: Hold the B button to charge the spindash, and let go to dash off rollin'. Ya can also spam it and gain some speed, but it's capped.
  2. Sonic Eagle: Hold A and press B and he'll do the Sonic Eagle from Sonic Battle, which is basically a reskinned Jump Kick here.
  • B button (air):
  1. Sonic Eagle: Basically the same move, but ya have to let go of the analog stick t' do it.
  2. Dropdash: Hold B in the air with the analog stick and you'll start a dropdash. If ya hold it until you hit the ground, you'll get more speed and start rollin'. If ya release it in the air, you'll instead perform an airdash. If ya hold it until ya hit a wall, you'll climb upwards. The faster you are, the higher you'll jump up.
  • Bound Jump: Sonic's replacement fer the ground pound. Press Z and you'll bounce on the ground, break stuff, and be immune t' fall damage. Though keep in mind that you'll have less air control.
  • Grabbing: Just spindash or roll into an object.
Amy goes over Toad, is mostly similar to Sonic in terms of physics, but she has moves of her own that makes for a different play style.
(Her voice clips are mostly unfinished for now.)

  • Passive abilities:
    1. Amy's jump height is much higher than Sonic's and most of the vanilla cast.
    2. She can swim, unlike Sonic, but instead of a breaststroke, she only has a flutter kick, and her speed increases the same way it does on land

  • Giant Steps:
    1. This move replaces the Long Jump, in which Amy leaps forward in the held direction, allowing her to gain speed and redirect momentum immediately while on the ground.
    2. Keep in mind that this move doesn't have air mobility and there is a bit of delay for using the move.
    + By pressing B during the move, she will trip over and do what's basically just a reskinned dive.
  • Hammer Attack: The most basic melee move. You press B on the ground and she'll whack her hammer instead of punching or kicking.
  • Hammer Twirl: By crouching and holding B, Amy will spin with her hammer and bounce off walls. You're able to change your direction by a bit during this move if yer moving, and it slows you down when you're on the ground.
  • Hammer Flip:
    1. While Amy's in the air, if you press or hold B, she'll spin forwards with her hammer.
    2. While the move is being done, she can bounce up walls, retaining some speed and gaining height based on the speed. Note that ya gotta be fully and constantly spinning fer this to be possible. Run into a wall too early and she'll just bonk off of it.
  • Hammer Jump: When ya press A within a few frames of her hitting her hammer, either from a Hammer Attack or landing with a Hammer Flip, she'll propel upwards. The height you gain depends on how fast you go. This is also how ya fly with the Wing Cap.
  • Hammer Pound:
    1. This is basically just a simple replacement fer the Ground Pound where she spins her hammer downwards.
    2. If you press and hold B during the move, she'll thrust forwards a bit and do the Hammer Twirl.

In addition, here's the intended color code fer this model:
  • Sonic:
    • Shirt/Cap (Shoes): d91101
    • Overalls (Quills): 4084d9
    • Skin: fdc976
    • Gloves: ffffff
  • Amy:
    • Shirt/Cap (Clothes): e41515
    • Overalls (Secondary Clothes): 00ff86
    • Hair (Quills): fd90a7
    • Skin: ffb597
    • Gloves: ffffff


First release
Last update
4.27 star(s) 15 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. The Band-aid.

    Since the recent update to sm64coopdx fucked up the audio code, I located the source of the...
  2. The Rosy Rascal Update.

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Latest reviews

WARNING: This mod is highly unstable on the latest version of ex coop. It WILL crash, hopefully they'll fix this in the future
Y'know it would certainly help if ya tell me which version of this mod ya downloaded in the discussion tab.
sonic character rebooted more like peak character rebooted i love this mod
The movement is so enjoyable and fun to experiment with,i just wish i didnt had to downgrade from the latest version of coop deluxe to be able to play this mod without the game crashing ^^',still, amazing mod!
Really solid moveset for both characters, I love 'em a lot <33
I kinda wished this version also had the thing on the previous versions where you can just activate the moveset and select any other character in Character Select, it was cool to combine Sonic's Moveset with other characters/skins
The CS combination wasn't an intended feature, but that ain't gonna matter anymore in the next update.
I love The Amy moveset, I like the fact that she has good speed but is controllable (not like Sonic) in addition to the mobility she has with the tremendous jumps she makes, but combining it with character select closes the game, that disappointed me a bit
Wish we had someone else better like Tails Knuckles or maybe Shadow but this is character mod is ok
It's pretty good but it doesn't support Character Select, so changing to Sonic is more annoying than it has to be.
this is actually cool and accurate

but is it ok to use the acceleration script for a moveset mod I'm doing?
Its very good, and fun
But can you make it work with character select
Nah, don't feel like it yet.

I kinda prefer it as its own thing.