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Quality of Life Moveset v1.3

Reviews 4.40 star(s) 8 reviews

May I suggest that you add automatic quick turns? This prevents the unusual half-circle that Mario sometimes does after landing or ground pounding. To add it, all you need to do is paste this code into the mario_update function.

if m.action == ACT_WALKING
and analog_stick_held_back(m) ~= 0
and m.forwardVel > 0
and m.forwardVel < 16
and m.input & INPUT_NONZERO_ANALOG ~= 0 then
m.faceAngle.y = m.intendedYaw
Thanks for the review! I've always found doing this to feel very odd, so it was decided against during the original making of this mod. Because of this, I probably won't be adding this feature. I do understand the desire for it, as the current Mario is not the most consistent when it comes to this, but once you understand the mechanic, it feels weird going to anything else (especially after you've been playing with it for so long).
I love this mod BUT.... I hate how if you're holding A it will auto walljump... It drives me crazy... It's already got the wall slide and stuff I don't feel like it needs that one thing.. It makes some precise tricks hard to do because it will auto try to walljump on the first frame so if ur holding from ur last jump you'll always get that first frame wallkick and it's jannoying....
Thank you for the review! This mechanic was not at all intended, and was an oversight in one of the updates. An update is being pushed to fix this. Thanks for spotting this!
would host in every lobby 1000/10
best moveset.
The wall slide and dive ground pound make the game so much more fun. Great mod!
Great to make things more bearable and entertaining. However there's a massive problem. It causes you to not be able to wallkick walls that share quicksand death planes. (and maybe other death planes as well)
I like this mod since I got so used to its smooth controlling 90% of the time, but it makes some stars in some rom hacks unobtainable.
Thanks for the review! I will be sure to look at this issue and get it resolved, sorry about that!
Similarly to extended moveset, this adds some new locomotion options to Mario & Friends, all of these are really nice additions. too.
it's a good moveset that's fun to use because it allows you to get to certain places more easily, and has many other very fun moves.