Mx moveset

Mx moveset v1.6

Reviews 4.45 star(s) 11 reviews

its working! and also: when mx dashes then he have magic flying powers just when you are on edge of something then dash and you had done it!
Hooray! Also the issue is already been fixed the update is coming soon so don't worry ive been busy, the super punch is also getting re worked.
Hey Bro i can use a bit of the mod?/hey Bro puedo usar (si tiene aún) la escalada de MX en mi mod?
weno no lo recomiendo por q esta re buggy pero si lo puedes usar, solo recuerda darme el credito :p
its good,but how do i download mario v3.5 skin pack?? the discord doesnt work for me.
Bueno,juego en un dispositivo Android,y cuando escribo en el chat de mi partida /M 85 con el mod activo me dice que comando no válido,creo que es un error del mod pero confío en que el desarollador lo solucionará
disculpa pero la nueva actualizacion es para la nueva version de COOPDX te recomiendo que uses el 1.4 por usos mobiles grax por comentar
how i can use the mod?
you need to type /M 85 in the in game chat and to turn it off you need to type /M 64
Good and lucas thes metal power wont get you far
this mod is incredibly broken and i love it (hi dremy how are you doing))
hahaha yeah pretty much but hey still working on it! also im doing good :D