[CS] Cream the Rabbit

[CS] Cream the Rabbit v2.1

Cream's birthday is all over but she still wants to have fun! Escaped from her own mod, she explores the vast worlds of CoopDX! I know there's been a few ports by others of this model (and I appreciate it) though I figure I get an official version from me, with some extra bits.

Comes with a customizable palette, new animations replacing the idle, sleep and running anims, custom sounds, health hud, life and star icon and new star model. As of v2.0, she now regains the ability to fly as well as bringing along several of her outfits from Cream 64!

Simply press [A] to fly out of any of the jumps, the side flips and wall kicks. You need to press to fly out of a long jump and then press [A] to keep flying. This is built to allow players to still be able to do the BLJ if needed.

A companion mod, Cheese the Chao, is also available!

The mod also comes with two toggles: One to disable flying locally in case you just wanna use the mod without any additional abilities and another to disable the custom star specifically when you collect them. If you want the Red Ring to be visible at any time, simply make a copy of cream_star_geo.bin in the actors folder and rename it to star_geo.bin. Note that as long as the Cream mod is loaded, this will change the star for any character.

Cream's outfits are also separated into four packs to not bloat people's CS menus. Simply place the main folder (char-select-cream-main) alongside any of the other pack folders in the mods folder to install the mod correctly. The packs are:

Main: The Rabbit Herself
Contains her default design + a version that allows custom palettes (separated since flying would break the default palette and revert to custom colors).

Pack 1: Canon Outfits + a Lunar New Year
  • Riders (Sonic Riders)
  • Winter (Sonic Channel)
  • Spring (Sonic Forces Speed Battle)
  • Unicorn (Sonic Forces Speed Battle)
  • Yukata (Mario & Sonic 2020 Tokyo Olympics)
  • Swimsuit (Sonic X)
  • Halloween (Sonic Channel)
  • Junihotoe (Sonic Channel)
  • Princess (Sonic IDW Issue 22 RI Cover)
  • Detective (Sonic Channel)
  • Drummer (Sonic Forces Speed Battle)
  • Lunar New Year (design by Jennifer Hernandez)
Pack 2: Sonic & Friends
  • Young Vanilla (Sonic Advance 2, design by Zack113)
  • Amy Rose (Sonic Adventure)
  • Blaze the Cat (Sonic Rush)
  • Marine the Raccoon (Sonic Rush Adventure)
  • Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Adventure 2)
  • Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog (2006))
  • Miles 'Tails' Power (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
  • Charmy Bee (Sonic Heroes)
  • Tikal the Echidna (Sonic Adventure)
  • Cosmo the Seedrian (Sonic X)
  • Dr. Eggman (Sonic Adventure, Design by TheNovika)
  • Cheese the Chao (Sonic Adventure 2)
  • NiGHTS (NiGHTS into Dreams)
Pack 3: Cream Cosplay Vol 1
  • Super Mario (Super Mario 64)
  • Princess Daisy (Mario Tennis)
  • Klonoa (Klonoa: Door to Phantomile)
  • Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
  • Ichiban Kasuga (Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon)
  • Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)
  • Jack Garland (Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins)
  • Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter Alpha 2)
  • Dudley (Street Fighter 3)
  • Luke Sullivan (Street Fighter 6)
  • Roll (Megaman 8)
  • Megaman X (Megaman X)
  • Lan Hikari (Megaman Battle Network)
  • Vergil (Devil May Cry 3/Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3)
  • Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters)
  • Maria Renard (Castlevania: Rondo of Blood)
  • Richter Belmont (Castlevania: Rondo of Blood)
  • Charlotte Aulin (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin)
  • Goemon (Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon)
  • Mimi (Pop'n Music 15 Adventure)
  • Ryuta Ippongi (Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!)
  • Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower)
  • Angry Videogame Nerd (AVGN Adventures/Cinemassacre)
  • Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Kairi (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep)
  • Parappa (Parappa the Rapper)
Pack 4: Cream Cosplay Vol 2
  • Vanny (FNAF: Security Breach)
  • Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
  • Arle (Puyo Puyo)
  • Dawn (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl)
  • Serena (Pokemon X and Y)
  • The Hero (Dragon Quest 3)
  • The Mage (Dragon Quest 3)
  • Sybil (Pseudoregalia)
  • Hatsune Miku (Cream design by _motobug)
  • Wonder-Bun (Wonderful 101)
  • Sena (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
  • Olimar (Pikmin)
  • Pit (Kid Icarus Uprising)
  • Ribbon (Kirby 64)
  • Anya Forger (SPYxFAMILY)
  • Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
  • Jin Kariya (Bleach)
  • Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
  • Carrot (One Piece)
  • Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
  • Pan (Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero)
  • Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
  • Yugi Muto (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Cream (Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger)
  • Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
  • Stone Cold Steve Austin (WWE/Wrestling)
  • Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)
While there are more outfits available in Super Cream 64, the remaining ones not in these packs were omitted on purpose since they were all created for friends, mutuals and streamers. If they do wish to let these be available through this mod, this page will be updated but don't expect those anytime soon.

Hud sprites all created by SketchMeister
Models created and/or ported by Gamebun
Custom Cream voicelines by MagicalPoptarts
Original flight code by Alonwoof, ported over to Lua by AloXado320
General api and lua code implementation by AloXado320
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First release
Last update


4.73 star(s) 11 ratings

More mods from Gamebun

Latest updates

  1. Various bugfixes, toggles, etc

    Huge thank you once again to AloXado320 for the various code fixes and code additions. Fixed...
  2. Fixed CS Bug with Debugging Info Enabled

    Title says it all.
  3. Flying, Outfits, the works!

    Flying has been added from Super Cream 64! Should work basically the same as it did there...

Latest reviews

As one of the biggest Cream fans, this is hands down my favorite mod!!! After playing the romhack a year or so ago, I've really been missing more Cream content, so I'm really happy to see her back and with so many outfits!!! Thank you so much :3
Best Sonic Mod, Best CCS Mod, Best Cosplay Mod, 10/10 IGN Rating! =D
Found a bug where after jumping out of water and flying before landing; the classic camera gets stuck to as if you were still in the water. Until you go back in and jump onto land normally.

Also the old wings still appear for a split second before flying for some reason. And the wingcap is still the chao wings. Sucks that I can't toggle the flying off though.
The wing cap wings being the chao wings are deliberate (it's how I have it in the standalone mod). The rest I've passed onto the coder so hoping to at fix the camera issue and look into a toggle.
Theres a bug when flying over quick sand it kills
So when I open up CS I can see Cream and some of her skins, but not all of them, when I scroll down the characters though, 3 seperate Creams show up in different skins, but the entire CS Menu turns black when they are looked at and I cant do anything. Am I supposed to drag and drop all of the folders into the mod folder or am I doing that wrong?
Yes, all the char-select-cream folders should just be dropped into the mods folder. I'll update the description to make that more clear.
Hey there big fan of this mod right here, I noticed that the character select breaks when choosing packs 2, 3, and 4 other than that the mods amazing
Just making sure, do you by chance have the main mod activated too? The other packs can't work unless the main one is enabled.
Some of the voice lines are a bit loud. Also deleting the star and star collection gives me script errors every time I host.
Yeah I've thankfully toned back the sounds in the current unreleased build. Not currently sure about the latter though but I'm doing a rehaul on her script so hoping it gets sorted out with the next update.
Will flying be added?
With thanks to AloXado320, flying's been readded. Just trying to get a few things on my end before pushing this new update out.
I really like that cream is in coopdx I just wish her outfits from the rom hack was here too that would make it even better
I've been on the back of my mind for a while now, just been too exhausted from work and stuff. But it'll happen. Just a matter of when I can get to it.
Would love to see creams costumes from super cream 64 rom hack :)