Huge thank you once again to AloXado320 for the various code fixes and code additions.
Fixed where you would die if you ever flew over quicksand
Fixed an issue where grabbing a ledge when flying would make Cream appear flying but in the ledge grab state
Fixed where flying after jumping out of water would cause camera issues when using the default cam (if it's still a little awkward, please let me know)
Fixed the models in Packs 2 through 4 in regards to the capless head model being visible when used with other mods such as OMM. The capless function has been removed for all the alts.
- Default Cream model has also been updated to remove the unlit pupils and update the various textures to appear less blurry.
Added a toggle to locally disable flying for those who wish to not use it or to avoid conflict with other mods.
Per request, added a toggle to locally disable the new custom star model and revert back to the default star model. Note, this only changes the model, not the hud icon.
- Both toggles can be found in the mod menu
Flying has been added from Super Cream 64! Should work basically the same as it did there. Controls will be listed in the main mod description.
Mod has been updated to support most of her outfits from Super Cream 64. The ones omitted were created specifically for friends, mutuals and streamers and don't wanna include them unless permitted. Full list will be posted in the description.
In addition, the outfits are also separated into packs to not clog up player's CS screens. The main folder will just contain normal Cream while the other four packs will contain the various outfits.
Updated all sound files to not be as loud as before.
Made the custom palette model a separate selection since it would break whenever the player would fly.
Added more unique animations for the star dance, exit painting and sleeping.
Face state will change as well with certain animations
Various other behind the scene code optimizations (thank you so much Aloxado320)
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