[DynOS] SwagSkeleton95's Player Models

[DynOS] SwagSkeleton95's Player Models v1.0

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 6 reviews

these models are FANTASTIC, I love how silly they all are
I only wish that the toads in the world matched the look of the Toad you can play as, but that's such a nitpick I feel
these are amazing models, good work :3
Thanks a lot for the kind words!!
I'll be uploading another DynOS project of mine soon that replaces a bunch of models, including Toad, who'll match this mod's version. You'll be able to use that! (If you'd prefer to replace toad alone and nothing else, you can simply delete all the other .bin files in the upcoming dynos)
This mod is amazing! The Mario and Toad models look really good and the rest of the gang has good models as well!
Thank you!! Really appreciate the kind words.
SwagSkeleton95's new player models do an excellent job sprucing up the original player models without taking the Nintendo 64 graphics charm away. It's like if Super Mario 64 DS wasn't all fuzzy and they decided to make it look blocky but also improve the graphics at the same time.
Nah bro this is PERFECT, Could you make a version for ex-coop? Because the emblem on ex-coop remains black/gray
I like these a lot! They're like a nice middle ground between the base models and the 64 DS models without losing the charm.
Absolute peak
Legitimately cannot go back to the og models anymore. These bring the gang's modern look to the N64 style pretty much perfectly without looking out-of-place.