[CS] SMW Rex

[CS] SMW Rex v3.5

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 2 reviews

I've been playing around with this Rex character mod for a good bit and goodness I love it!. The blocky look and how it's such a small model, as well as the funny Super Mario World sound effects, absolutely adorable!

I did notice that the top parts of the shoes and the outer part of the wings don't change colors if you want to change the colors of the shoes, and some of the sounds like grabbing the ledge and the slow get-up are muted, but other than those nitpicky things of mine, I really like this one. Keep up the good work! :)
This is a really cool and cute mod! It's really cool how you used SMW sounds as his voice. Very cute, has earned a permanent spot in my active mods.