- Slightly reduced the size of Plushee's Spin Cycle to be more in line with their actual body size.
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RATTLE ME BONES! Plushee's loyal Guardian has joined the Adventure!

  • New Life Icons for both Plushee and MR.BONES.
  • New Playable character, with loads of funny sounds!
  • MR.BONES is fully color-able with his own preset palette option.
    • 'Hair' changes the dominant Boxing Glove color.
  • Bowser Moveset Compatibility:
    • Larger Hitbox for better interaction with objects/items, Larger Anims.
Just a few small fixes from the initial release. If you downloaded the mod after 8pm last night, you may have these changes already!

- Fixed an issue with Plushee's inner torso having caved in vertices on the left shoulder

- Fixed issue with the UVs that involved a white spot appearing on Plushee's sweater Zipper and inner fluff when doing the Spin Cycle. (This was only really noticeable if their color palette was changed to be a darker color.)