Reviews 4.00 star(s) 4 reviews

Hello! I just have to say that this mod is AMAZING!!! the only issue I have with it is that Ness Doesn't have any alt skins, though this is more of a minor issue of mine. If you're thinking of any alt costumes for Ness, I think the Ness design from "Mother 2: Giygas Strikes Back - Ness's Adventure Memoirs" manga would be the perfect alt! But yeah, this mod is great!
I'll certainly check it out! I've also been considering giving ness a PJ alt, however ive been holding back on that due to the lack of cap, so distincting capless would be difficult.
These look great and it's a real nice surprise seeing all the Ninten love, Love This.
Very Thankful you enjoy the pack! Expect more Mother 1 appreciation in future releases, too!