[Character Select] Annie (Antonblast)

[Character Select] Annie (Antonblast) 1.1

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Reviews 4.67 star(s) 3 reviews

This is absolutely fantastic! Her toony, chaotic lil grin translated PERFECTLY here. (Really Annie herself in general actually translated quite well here she looks soooo cute as hell.) I know i'm gonna have sooooooo much fun playing as my unhinged gremlin wife i'm just so glad someone FINALLY made her for sm64coop and you did her justice. seriously thank you so much for this you have no idea how happy i am to see my lil unhinged gremlin wife finally be in sm64.
Great job!
I’m glad you like it
Really awesome mod and model! Quick question are you planning on making Anton in the future? Since I think his model would also look amazing.
I think people already made anton