Recent content by EmeraldLockdown

  1. EmeraldLockdown

    Quality of Life Moveset - Quality of Life v1.3 - Minor Update

    Created a transition between ground pound air and ground pound water, so expect more continuity Fixed a bug in which holding A allowed a user to wall kick instantly when bonking (while not being a first-frame wallkick)
  2. EmeraldLockdown

    Quality of Life Moveset

    EmeraldLockdown updated Quality of Life Moveset with a new update entry: Quality of Life v1.3 - Minor Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. EmeraldLockdown


    If you have the mod unzipped in the proper folder it should run fine. When you enter the hexagone folder, it does show the lua files, actor and level folders, etc right? If it does, then this may be an issue related to the android port, however I dont use that, so I wouldn't know
  4. EmeraldLockdown


    Make sure you unzipped it
  5. EmeraldLockdown


    Yea do that, it should go straight to all the lua files and what not.
  6. EmeraldLockdown


    Interesting. Boot up the game, head to Options->Misc->Open User/Appdata Folder and then open the mods folder. Is the tag folder in there? If so, what is inside the tag folder, is it another folder, or?
  7. EmeraldLockdown


    Be sure you’re unzipping the mod
  8. EmeraldLockdown

    cant join [v37.2]

    It could be that the host isn’t on the newer version, give it a day (oh look, it’s the next day) and most people will have updated
  9. EmeraldLockdown

    cant join [v37.2]

    new coopdx version dropped, update coopdx and everything should go back to normal : )
  10. EmeraldLockdown

    sm64-coop-deluxe not working in wine with windows openGL version (using MacOS Mojave so the macOS version isnt supported.) version 1.03

    After some research, I could only come up with one thing are happening You need to update xcode command line tools Otherwise id need to get on my computer so i could do this more efficently
  11. EmeraldLockdown

    sm64-coop-deluxe not working in wine with windows openGL version (using MacOS Mojave so the macOS version isnt supported.) version 1.03

    My phone did something weird with the dash, it’s 2 dashes before the version text
  12. EmeraldLockdown

    sm64-coop-deluxe not working in wine with windows openGL version (using MacOS Mojave so the macOS version isnt supported.) version 1.03

    If you just run gcc —version in your terminal anywhere that should have an output
  13. EmeraldLockdown

    sm64-coop-deluxe not working in wine with windows openGL version (using MacOS Mojave so the macOS version isnt supported.) version 1.03

    looks like you need to install dependencies, in the wiki the command should be there, have you ran that already or?
  14. EmeraldLockdown

    sm64-coop-deluxe not working in wine with windows openGL version (using MacOS Mojave so the macOS version isnt supported.) version 1.03

    Hm, if you run python in the terminal, does the terminal see that as a command? If so you should be able to create a link in PATH