Recent content by Blocky

  1. Blocky

    CoopDX Randomizer

    Perfect! do you happen to have a discord for better communication?, i'd like to give you some dev versions for you to try out if you want
  2. Blocky

    CoopDX Randomizer

    noted! i'll try to find a solution regarding spawned stars in the meantime Also yeah if you could link me to those clip that would be so cool Oh yeah, and if you come across other issues make sure to report me the seed as well! (would be REALLY useful for those mysterious 7 red coins levels)
  3. Blocky

    CoopDX Randomizer

    Hey!, thanks for reporting everything! Don't know what update you are on but Some of these issues have been fixed in the latest version! Is Chip of the Whomp's Block obtainable? | It should be as of now loading zones in WDW & DDD | This is known and i have no idea how to fix it Outside of...
  4. Blocky

    CoopDX Randomizer - Randomizer V2.6.1

    fixed seed desyncs fixed whomps in water fixed ttm painting - Seed is now displayed above the player list - Made new random functions so that players on different platform have the same RNG - Added an API _G.randomizer - get_randomized_level_from_course - get_entry_level_from_local...
  5. Blocky

    CoopDX Randomizer

    Blocky updated CoopDX Randomizer with a new update entry: Randomizer V2.6.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Blocky

    CoopDX Randomizer v2.6.2

    This fixes a few bugs, as well as adding a few new features! - /seed command, now you can choose a seed in game, all you have to do is do /seed [number - Persistent warps, Now exiting out of a level will lead you to where you entered it from - Painting Preview, You'll now be able to see where...
  7. Blocky

    CoopDX Randomizer

    Blocky submitted a new mod: CoopDX Randomizer - Randomizes level entrances, object positions, music, skybox Read more about this mod...
  8. Blocky

    Prophunt/Hide and Seek Rebirth v1

    This aims to be the sucessor of Hide and Seek, it comes with prophunt and other options! Prophunt is enabled by default. This mod is also compatible with romhacks do /hns to change the settings and/or your binds Credits goes to biobak for making the custom levels, swagskeleton95 for the freddy...
  9. Blocky

    Prophunt/Hide and Seek Rebirth

    Blocky submitted a new mod: Prophunt/Hide and Seek Rebirth - Adds Prophunt in mario 64, as well as rewritting hide and seek Read more about this mod...
  10. Blocky

    Nova Stars

    Blocky submitted a new mod: Nova Stars - Adds very difficult stars to the game Read more about this mod...
  11. Blocky

    Nova Stars 1.1

    All 120 stars are needed for the mod to be active. Alright so we added a LOT of things since the last version, first (as you can tell by the title) we have made it so now it isn't OMM specific this is now compatible with movesets and romhacks Since this now supports all kinds of movesets and...
  12. Blocky

    An Ordinary Coop Mod

    This is a bug i fixed, but its so minor i didn't put it on the mod site yet, the toggle is inverted, it needs to be red so it gets enabled
  13. Blocky

    it will release within the next 10 years or so, maybe less but idk

    it will release within the next 10 years or so, maybe less but idk
  14. Blocky

    An Ordinary Coop Mod v1

    This was planned to be released on Halloween its a bit late but whateverThis mod has two seperate "modes", -Vanilla game -Dark mode When the game goes dark you won't be able to collect stars or keys, you must collect 25 coins (or more depending on the player count) in order to make the game...