Recent content by AgentX

  1. AgentX

    Environment Tint - Environment Tint v1.2

    Made ocean sky (e.g. Castle Grounds) tint less green Made below clouds (e.g. Whomp's Fortress) tint cool instead of warm Made spooky sky (Big Boo's Haunt) tint brighter Made green sky (Bowser in the Dark World) tint greener Made above clouds sky (Jolly Roger Bay) tint greener Added secret slide...
  2. AgentX

    Environment Tint

    AgentX updated Environment Tint with a new update entry: Environment Tint v1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. AgentX

    Wario ds model

    This thread appears to have gone cold.
  4. AgentX

    Modder Application

  5. AgentX

    Super Mario 64 1.5

    This looks low effort which should already be enough to say no, but there is also a metric ton of copyrighed ROM assets in here as well, which is a big no no as well.
  6. AgentX

    Updates For Daniel's Moveset! 😀

    The link doesn't appear to work for me, how odd.
  7. AgentX

    I have no idea who you are

    I have no idea who you are
  8. AgentX

    Environment Tint v1.2

    This mod tints your environment lighting based on the skybox, level, or region. It's a simple concept, but I think the results speak for themselves. Enjoy!
  9. AgentX

    Environment Tint

    AgentX submitted a new mod: Environment Tint - Tints your environment lighting based on the skybox, level, or region. Read more about this mod...
  10. AgentX

    Weather Cycle DX

    AgentX updated Weather Cycle DX with a new update entry: Weather Cycle DX v1.1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. AgentX

    Weather Cycle DX - Weather Cycle DX v1.1.1

    * Fixed bug with mod not properly disabling
  12. AgentX

    Day Night Cycle DX - Day Night Cycle DX v2.3.1

    * Made night time brighter to help seeing on low contrast displays
  13. AgentX

    Day Night Cycle DX

    AgentX updated Day Night Cycle DX with a new update entry: Day Night Cycle DX v2.3.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. AgentX

    Weather Cycle DX

    AgentX updated Weather Cycle DX with a new update entry: Weather Cycle DX v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...