ZIP Mod Folder Issues


Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
Unfortunately, not every modder has their zip file ready to be drag and dropped onto the file when you download it. So here's how it goes.

ZIP Folder Mod Layout:

drag and drop set up.png

For the game to detect the mod file, it MUST be layered like the image above. The game detects the mod folder as long as that folder contains the lua file. However, if the ZIP file contains other files, let's say for example, a dynOS folder next to the mod folder, or a txt folder, it is not going to work, as the game is programmed to ONLY detect the mod folder with the lua file inside.

Same applies to when you try to add the folders manually. Always double check if the folder contains the lua file. If the folder you drag into the CoopDX mod's folder contains ANOTHER folder and no lua inside.

wrongfile layout.png

I hope this helps in understanding how it works.
I can confirm that my mods are not made with drag and drop in mind. (Especially Paper Partners)

Since they are mostly skins, i let people have the choice to use dynos or CS. with that in mind, it makes drag and drop not possible.

Copy the folder labelled [CS] at the beginning in your mod folder. Have Character Select in your mods folder as well.
But for dynos you'll have to look into the folder to get the character you want and copy the folder with the geo.bin files inside in your dynos/packs folder.

Overall, make sure to check the files you download! That's all!
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