Why Is B3313 Banned From The Site?

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Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
United States
Hello, this is lead developer Agent X here and I wanted to clarify a rule on our site that seems to be raising some eyebrows from the people up on Twitter. It is regarding the B3313 ban.

Firstly, I would just like to say that I find going into a public space like Twitter and criticizing our site is exactly the kind of behavior that made Eeliot lock the thread from the guy who first brought it up here. Instead of trying to have an objective, rational conversation with us, you are going to a public space and insinuating we will refuse to answer or hear what people have to say about the rule. If you are going to be rude then the conversation ends there, but otherwise my messages on this site are open, as are Eeliot's and Yuyake's. I check the site everyday, so it would probably be best to hit me up. Also, please read through this whole announcement without reading or making a summary that may leave out key details.

The ban on B3313 for this site has been misinterpreted as a ban for the game as well, which is not the case. The FAQs (and now the rules) explicitly state that the ban is for the site. If you wish to download B3313, you can find it distributed elsewhere.

I would like to catch you up on the history of B3313's association with sm64ex-coop. In the SM64 community, there is a subgenre of people within called beta kids. These are like 9-12 year old kids who are extremely obsessed with the SM64 beta and beg for download links and just infest every sub community with their immaturity and toxicity.
A while ago before I left sm64ex-coop, the community wasn't doing the best, definitely not terrible but it could have been better. There was this beta themed ROM hack going around the SM64 community called (as you know) B3313, which was a very cool concept. Unfortunately though, the beta kids love beta hacks with neat concepts so they immediately flocked to this hack like pigs to mud. Since ROM hacks can be ported to coop, people started discussing it and trying at ports and DJ (the original creator of sm64ex-coop, retired lead developer) forbade the mod from being distributed or released in that server due to it containing copyrighted assets from the Gigaleak. That was enforced pretty well up until I left this server in July 2023 and B3313 ports began being distributed and eventually thread was created that has a download link to the port. We feel it's kind of too late to delete that thread now because the floodgates were already opened and suddenly denying them now feels kind of arbitrary. So B3313 was distributed and the inevitable invasion of beta children began, and it got pretty bad... Eventually I rejoined and we have elected new staff and began cleaning up the place but it is still full of beta children and B3313 is still commonly hosted on CoopNet which isn't actually breaking any CoopNet rules.

So, to finally answer the question, why is B3313 banned from the site? Two main reasons.
#1: It is not in our best interest to worsen the beta kid situation in our community and further perpetuate the cycle of kids joining or signing up just to beg for links and be toxic.
#2: We aren't going to take any risks allowing B3313 to be hosted on this site when it contains copyrighted assets that could be grounds for a takedown by Nintendo.

So to clarify it, the mod is banned from this site specifically for the reasons listed above. It is not banned from the game, nor is there really a feasible way to go about that anyway with how CoopNet works. If you can get your hands on B3313 outside of this site, you are allowed to host it on CoopNet.

I wish we had officially clarified this sooner but I guess this is better late than never. Once again, if you wish to have a rational and objective discussion with us about the ban, you can DM one of us on the site and we can talk. I hope the ban is clearer now and we are able to move past this and enjoy Mario 64 with our friends. Thank you for your time, and thank you for reading.
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