
Tag v2.4

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Mar 25, 2024
From: EmeraldLockdown


This mod is a collection of multiple gamemodes all in one mod! The mod contains 9 gamemodes, modifiers that effect the gameplay of the gamemode, in-depth, easy to understand settings, and statistics!


Tag contains multiple tag-related gamemodes! All gamemodes involve "tagging" another player. There are as of right now 9 different gamemodes. These gamemodes are Tag, Freeze Tag, Infection, Hot Potato, Juggernaut (meh), Assassins, Sardines, Hunt, and Deathmatch! Each gamemode gives it's own fun to the mod!


There are plenty of modifiers to add variety your game! From simple gravity changes to blasters and fog, modifiers add plenty of enjoyable (or annoying) changes to the base gamemodes!


Romhack support depends on the romhack. Offical romhacks have paintings, and pipes like vanilla levels! Non-official romhacks don't have these benefits, however, the romhack should still work perfectly fine!

Arena Stage

Arena Stages are fully supported, with pipes and all! It is highly recommended to play with arena stages. Downside is you don't get paintings.

Official Tag Stages

Tag Stages include paintings and custom-placed pipes, these are perfect mods to add to your tag experience!


Don't like a gamemode, modifier, or level? Blacklist it! Blacklisting allows you to turn off certain gamemods, modifiers, or levels that you don't like in your game.


Each player has stats! These stats go from playtime, total tags, and total time as runner, to total runner victories and tagger victories. The best part is each gamemode gets it's own statistics for each of these metrics!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • sm64ex-coop/sm64coopdx Support:
    • This mod supports both repos. If you encounter a bug with a specific one, make an issue here so it can be addressed.
  • Romhack Compatibility:
    • Yes, Tag supports ROMhacks. You can add paintings and more to ROMhacks by creating what's called an official hack. Learn how to do that here. The mod also includes a blacklist to remove incompatible levels.
  • Code Usage:
    • Generally, you can use code from this mod for your own projects. Credit is not required, but ensure you understand the code and avoid copying large portions without modification.
  • Custom Versions:
    • You're welcome to publish custom versions of this mod. However, consider contributing to the main repo first. Ensure your custom version doesn't include code from unreleased versions or other mods without proper credit. Include me in the credits, and I reserve the right to incorporate your code into the base Tag with appropriate credit.
  • Contributing to the Repo:
    • Fork the repo here and contribute by creating pull requests.
  • Bug Reports and Suggestions:
    • Report bugs or suggestions here.
  • Update Notifications:
    • Versions 2.1 and above feature an update notifier.
  • Beta Testing:
    • Beta testing occurs when a good feature set for the next version is ready. More testing happens during the Release Candidate (R.C.) stage, beta testing happens first.
  • Contact Information:
    • If you need to contact me, visit my profile here on the modding site.
  • Arena Map Support:
    • Yes, Tag supports arena maps and automatically adds pipes based on the CTF flags. For additional features like paintings, check out this repo, where well-known arena maps are ported.
hola! se ve entretenido el juego pero mi problema es que es algo confuso de configurar en android cuando configuro no se guarda, por ejemplo el numero de corredores

hello! The game looks entertaining but my problem is that it is somewhat confusing to configure on Android when I configure it it is not saved, for example the number of runners
Android is not tested with the mod, so yea it may be uncomfortable trying to configure settings. As for settings not being saved, the number of runners is not a setting, so I'm unsure of what you are referring to there. Not all settings save yet, however more settings are to be saved next ver : ).
Well, after putting /mh and opening the menu I go into mariohunt and there it shows "numbers of runners" and other things and also when I configure the amount of life of the runners it is not saved, there is a button to save or I just click the B to get out?
Mh uses a different system than Tag's. With tag, when you edit a setting, it's saved, no save button required. Also, this mod does not contain a number of runners, or anything like that, all of that is selected manually. Hopefully that answers your question : ).
oh, ok thank :D
Don't double post! Use that edit button! Post automatically merged:

Mh uses a different system than Tag's. With tag, when you edit a setting, it's saved, no save button required. Also, this mod does not contain a number of runners, or anything like that, all of that is selected manually. Hopefully that answers your question : ).
Perdón me confundí hahahaha pensaba que este era el mariohunt perdón, este modo de juego es genial 😄
Last edited:
EmeraldLockdown updated Tag with a new update entry:

Tag v2.4

# Gamemodes

  • Added Oddball
  • Added Royale
  • Revamped Oddball

# Modifiers

  • Added Hard Surfaces
  • Added Sandy Floor
  • Readded Swap
  • Added Z Button Challenge
  • Added Only Firsties

# Romhacks

  • Added Lug's Delightful Dioramas (jzzle and TheMan)
  • Added SM64: The Green Stars (Bear64DX, or just Bear)
  • Improved Star Road

# Levels

  • Added Bowser's Sub
  • Added Dorrie's Domain
  • Added Boulder's Rush
  • Added Bowser's Sky...

Read the rest of this update entry...
You don't compile this mod... You drag and drop it into the sm64coopdx window

If you're struggling to compile sm64coopdx, well, you don't have to compile it! You can download coop here, get the OpenGL ver (if that doesn't work, use directx), boot up the game, and drag and drop your rom!
Could you update the link on how to port a romhack for tag? is that it gives error. It would be a great help.
Sorry for the late response. I've updated the description and it should redirect you to the docs fine now. Have zero clue why it was going to ChatGPT lol.
hey so this might be a dumb question and the answer might be obvious but for some reason i can't get this mod to import ? any time it try to install it all i get is a "failed to import", is there something i should be doing different from other mods to download this one or is it currently broken? i've tried different methods but nothing seems to work so far and i'm kinda stumped if anyone could let me know how i'm meant to import this
Unsure of why that would be the case, are you dragging in the .zip file?

You can also install the mod manually by opening up coopdx, going to Options, Misc, then Open User/Appdata Folder, then from there opening up mods. Then download the tag mod, unzip the mod, and drag the tag (ensure the folder name is tag) folder into the mods folder you opened.
Unsure of why that would be the case, are you dragging in the .zip file?

You can also install the mod manually by opening up coopdx, going to Options, Misc, then Open User/Appdata Folder, then from there opening up mods. Then download the tag mod, unzip the mod, and drag the tag (ensure the folder name is tag) folder into the mods folder you opened.

importing it manually seems to have worked perfectly, tysm! in hindsight i've installed mods for plenty of other games that way before so i should've thought of that earlier lol. not sure why but any time i tried to drag and drop the zip file into the window it just wouldn't import at all, even though the other mods i've tried have imported that way perfectly fine for me. when i went in to do it manually i did notice there was a folder named "tag" in the files so it definitely started importing it, but the folder was completely empty so ig something got messed up along the way. not sure if that's a bug on my end or what but i got it to work in the end so it doesn't really matter anymore lol. sorry to bother you for what was a pretty obvious solution in retrospect, but thank you again for the help!
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When I trun tag v2.4 in sm64ex coop in android it keeping crashing

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